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Late late and A new teaser 10-27

Well I am late putting this thing up because I've been at a job fair interview thing this mroning to work for Target in a warehouse.. How fun. I hate job hunting... I really do.

So let's see what's going on? Well I'm gonna take this oppurtunity in my blog to publicly call out a person I've been dealing with without using names. I doubt he uses reads my blogs. I don't read his. I've been doing work on a person he edits. I get a lot of denied submissions from him, and I've sent him 3 PMs so far and each time I send a PM I can make a valid submission from before and get it accepted, but it's really getting silly. I want you to respond to my PMs, I know you read them, have the decency and respect to respond.

This goes to all editors. If someone sends you a message take the time to respond. If you were wrong apologize but if you are an editor you should be familiar with guidelines. When I got my first guides, I read the Editor Guidelines in the forums to make sure that I was doing things right. I suggest every editor do so.

So on to lighter topics. TV last night was... Smallville and nothing else because of the World Series...

*****Possible Spoiler*****

Smallville: It was an interesting episode. Clark wasn't the main character which is good because I like to see where Lex came from sometimes too. Oliver is BAMF. I think this season is going to be interesting with the Zoners. I'm one of those people who can watch a show and notbe bothered if it doesn't fit with other shows/comics/movies. So I enjoy Smallville despite it's complete inability to mesh up with the Superman series.

*****End SPoilers****

So Congratulations to Bluvs, xblvr, fullhouse346!, fishzone, I2C4U, and mtjaws. They all got the answer correct. You can always send in the answer until I have posted my next blog just for future reference, some people were worried when they sent this morning it may be too late.

The answer was :From left to right: Duke, Lady, Princess, Fluffy, Rover, Beau, Spike.

Today's Teaser:
A man needed a code to get into his work, but he couldn't remember it, but he did have 5 codes to help him remember.

1.)The 5th number Plus the 3rd number equals 14.
2.)The 4th number is 1 more than the 2nd number.
3.)The 1st number is one less than twice the 2nd number.
4.)The 2nd number plus the 3rd number equals 10.
5.)The sum of all 5 numbers is 30.

What's the code?