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Ginga-Lightnin Blog

Games Galore and a big Hello!

Well, this is my first blog post and second day in the Gamespot community. To be honest, I can't believe I didn't sign up before! You guys are great!

I have to say, I love the way the gaming industry is going lately. It's nice to see some uniqueness, instead of the same old, slightly modified rubbish for once. C&C 3 being a prime example. Usually with RTSs, you find that the good guys, or at least your team, always have the advantage one way or another. In C&C1, GDI were the only ones with superweapons. In Tiberian Sun, GDI had the bipedal behemoth known as MMkII, not to mention the unnaturally tough Titans and devastating powerful disruptors. Sure, NOD had artillery and Obelisks, but this was small compensation for what was clearly an overly dominant GDI.

C&C3 is already looking to break this mould in spectacular fashion. Self-coustomising bipedal tanks? Flame tanks that can incinerate an entire attack force in seconds? Not to mention the Stealth tanks looking even more powerful than ever. Just what have GDI gotten themselves into? I don't know about you, but the challenge of the good guys being the underdogs for once is shaping up to be the best part of C&C in 2043! (well, that and the HD Hollywood performances. Woo Sawyer!)

Another one of my greatly anticipated releases is, naturally, the PS3. You lucky s.o.b's over in the states get it around five months (so far!) ahead of us so I won't be able to cast a definitive UK opinion on the console which is going to completely destroy the 360 for a while yet, but god damn! I've never seen graphics like I've seen on the PS3, and the UK release line-up is looking even stronger by the day. One good thing about waiting a little longer for the next-gen console is we'll have all the best games from release day! MGS:4, Assasin's Creed, Resistance: FOM. Personally, I literally can't wait. If it wasn't illegal, I'd ship myself over to America for one tomorrow!

Out of all the PS3 releases looking set forĀ a first-year release, MSG:4 is looing the most exciting, despite it's new desolate, war-torn look, which is a harsh contrast to the sun-kissed jungles of 1960's Mother Russia. Looks aside though, the fourth installment is shaping up to be the best yet. For one thing, the ambitious move to make Snake an old man with 6 months left on his ticket was totally unexpected, but it worked wonders. The move created hype unlike anything I've seen in a long time. That, and coupled with the promise that Metal Gears are going t be much more widely avaliable got me instantly hooked. I was greatly put off when I found out that MGS's own Latex clad sexually confused vanilla ice was making a return, but after finding out just how desperate Kojima was to make him likeable (specifically, turning him into a katana wielding Metal Gear killing machine) I have to say I didn't mind as much :D.

All in all, I've got a feeling 2007 is going to be one of the best gaming years so far, with the battle between XBox 360 and the PS3 only just starting. I just hope PC gaming doesn't get pushed into a corner with all the next gen console hype. Oh well, I just guess time will tell...

(Christ! Now hows that for a first post! Phew! :P)