Ur wastin ur time arnt u? Its not the machine is it? It''s the programming. WEther u like more or less textur definition or lighting is up to u. Ik agree that xb0x washes out, probably to reduce the edges. Ps3 dont, but is clearly more jaggy. And of course, if a game sucks it..well sucks . No matter how beautifull it looks. Im have a ps3 and there is not much on it. (gonna try me Valkyria rpg/strategy thing) It looks beuatifull. Something both consoles can do. Xbox migt be cheap now...it wasnt before now was it? Dint Msoft waste money on some hd-player...lol. And a PHAT pc wil outdo both of em. So its about game quality and ur wallet. I play more on my psp lately. Monster Hunter Freedom, now ther's a game for u. True challenge! and lets be honest about those comparisin shots....is any of them actually goodlookin??? no way dude! If real life looked like that id buy me a paintin set. They got more scope and objects yes, but lookin good.."? no! Thats why i was disappopited in brothers in arms.... preview gameshots looked way better...true next gen graphiscs. When it came out, we didtn get what we saw..no Wysiwyg here. Paintience my dear...all will come to u!
Check the difference between screencolorcomparrison and the photo comparrison. Seems bit tricked aint it? My PSP 2000 doesnt portray colors that crappy! No reason at all for psp owners to buyt this! Yes, dual sticks, more power (for smarter monsters) Yeh, im in to monsterhunter atm. And i do like the phisical shape of the 2000. More rounded. And the silver colour is total crap. And Sony should be ashamed doin incremental upgrades. Like some of u, i bought it a couple a months ago...refund/exchange Sony...how bout it? But in general i do like the PSP anyways. Most fun gadget i know of (yes more fun then an I-Phune) Seeyallaterzzz
Gioh's comments