Well whats up people? I thought Id post up a quick blog, toss out a few thoughts and stuff.
I am sick, stayed home from school today, Im starting to feel better at the time being. It was just a stomach bug :/
I've been playing a lot of MW2 recently, Im trying to prestige once before I get MW3, which will be sometime around christmas, I hope I can, because one extra prestige token would be nice. MW3 looks really cool and I cant wait to get it.
I also plan to get InFAMOUS 2 from a friend soon. For those that dont know, inFAMOUS 1 is one of my favorite games, Id rank it somewhere between RDR and MGS4 so that makes it 3rd on my list I guess. The 2nd looks awesome, it came out back in july and I meant to get it, I just never got the money to do so. However the big thing I plan to get by the new year.
I loved uncharted 2, it is un-doubtedly my favorite game that I've played to date, even when I go back to it and play it now its still fun, which is a feat in itself for single players games. So getting the collectors edition of Unchated 3 just feels right, The steel box, the case, and the belt buckle are cool and all, But I want the Sic Parvis Magna ring necklace so bad, itll be a nice thing to have. Ive seen the biggest part of the uncharted 3 SP so far, so a little bit of the suprise wont be there, but it will still be a fun game nonetheless.
Well guys, hope you enjoyed, and take it easy :)