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141: A Fresh Start

I started this Gamespot account three years ago. Over the course of these three years I have experienced many games, met people, and changed tastes. After those three years I recognized that I just wasn't the same person anymore. I am no longer the Nintendo fanboy that I was when I created this account. I am no longer the Pokemon expert that I once was. I have became a more spread out gamer. I like not only more games, but more mature games. I hope I am not misleading you in the sense that I no longer play any of the games that I am rooted in, I still love me some Pokemon Black or Super Smash Brothers. However nowdays it is much more likley to find me playing the likes of CoD or Uncharted; Red Dead Redemption or Madden; and much more. I created a new account because I needed a fresh start, and well, this is where my new profile comes in. It is P0in7B1ank, I just think that a restart will be a good jumpstart. I will re-follow as many of my friends on here as I can (if they remember me :P). and well, here it goes...