The king boo and I
Rob:We've been walking for hours,where are we going anyway?
MK:I already told you,to an aquaintance of mine,though it's a rough road...Here's the map.
Map:I'm the-
Map:I'm the map,I'm the Map I'm the-(Gets sliced in half.)
MK:There,that's the last time I use that frikkin' thing!>:O Anyway,we have to go through a forest first...
Rob:Oh here we go...What the heck is it with people and forests.Are they nature's little plot device or what?T_T
MK:Stop whining,would you rather we go through a volcano,Forest-o-phobe?
*The pair eventually find themselves at the forest entrance.*
Rob:Why are all the trees dead,Sir wisecrack a lot?
MK:I forgot to mention that this is the forbidden forest,the epicenter of paranormal activity in the world.
Rob:You're SO reassuring....T_T
MK:I know...:P
*After too long to care about,the pair find a strange mansion in the middle of the forest.*
Rob:Is it me or is this TOO familiar...
???:Oh hello gentlemen,are you lost?XD Oh wait... it's you Meta-Knight!How can I help you?
MK:It's somewhat of a pleasure to meet you again Professor Gadd.
Rob: (Whispering) is this the acqaintance you were talking about?
Gadd:Hehehe,I see you got someone there,is he the new victim?XD
MK:No,although we DO intend to go inside the mansion.:/
Gadd:Awful risky to go in there.But I have no right to stop you,come in real quick if you're really sure
*Inside E.gadd's shack*
Gadd:If you want to go in there you're gonna need...THIS!*Displays Poltergust 3000*
Rob:Why do we need a vacuum cleaner?
Gadd:There's ghosts in there,I've seen them myself.
Rob:Whatever you say...(Gives MK the coocoo sign,MK nods.)
MK:OK,I think we're ready to go inside the mansion,you ready?
*They then set off*
MK:I'll investigate the upper floors,You check the 1st floor and basement.
Rob:I can't check the upper floors?o_O
MK:No,whiner wiener.T_T
*Rob goes through the first floor into a ballroom*
Rob:Shyguys...ballroom....AHA!*Takes boombox out of nowhere.*
*Shyguys start dancing like crazy*
???:HEY KEEP IT DOW-....How convenient...Guhuhuhuhuhuh!*Music stops*
King Boo:You think you can stomp into my haunt,you little gremlin!You may harbor my former master,but it don't count for squat now!
Rob:What do you mean?>:(
King boo:GWEEEHAHAHAHA! You didn't know!That's rich!Black shadow monster with red necklace and white hair!That sound familiar,ectoplasm fer brains?
Rob:It does...
*Rob's green eyes suddenly shine blue*
Rob?:Hehehehe....I think It's time you were laid to rest!
*The black shadow from Rob's dreams bursts forth*
King Boo:Aw crap...Darkrai!:O
Darkrai:Well,if it isn't King boo.Hmhmhmhm....I do believe you have a debt to pay to me.DARK VOID!
*King boo's body is overloaded with negative energy from the nightmares of Dark Void*
Rob:What the...o_O
*King boo asplodes*
Darkrai:Hmph!And now to you!T_T
*Rob backs away*
Darkrai:I do believe you have a freind here.No?
Rob:Y...yes...right then.:?
*They head to the foyer,to see Meta Knight come down the stairs.*
MK:Behind you!*Drill rushes toward Darkrai,though is stopped by a shadow barrier produced by Darkrai.
Darkrai:I'm not your foe,and you know as well as I do there's more important things than a petty quarrel.
---*Darkrai Joined the Party!*---
Attacks:Dark void,Darkpulse,Mind control,Teleport,Nightmare.
Abilities:Control over shadow,Taking residence in people's minds,metamorphic abilities.
*The party leaves the mansion,which afterward disappears.
Rob:So it was really just an illusion?o_O
Darkrai:Ghosts have great abilities,It'd be advisable you not underestimate them. _-
Rob:And what was this "Debt" you were talking about?
Darkrai:Perhaps some things are best kept to oneself.O_O*Pulls out a photo of lady bow,then puts it back into hammerspace.*
----------------------------END chapter one---------------------------------