I hate dealing with customer service, infact i would much rather have my 3 month old kitten JazzPurr bitting on my toes and scratching my feet in my sleep before calling up any customer service. you always seem to get connected to some one who doesnt speak english well, they dont seem to know the product, and they just dont seem to understand what your telling them. i can think of a million and one things i would rather do, than calling customer service.
However calling Sony about my ps3 was pretty nice compared to some other companies, such as MS...and even Nintendo (nintendo is a diffrent story, that customer service tried to talk me out of getting my NDS fixed...im pretty sure i want a 100% working system thank you). So first is calling in, 1-800-345-SONY(7669), and as usual you get the audimated menu system that forces you to push buttons to work your way around. Sony has it divided up into PS3, PSP, pS2, and i think other PS products and accessories...from there i went into the ps3 section of the menus, where i was asked if it was trouble shooting, checking on a current repair, advice, and a few other options that i didnt care about. this is where i found my first annoyance. under trouble shooting they didnt have hardware issues...infact i didnt find any sory of "my product isnt working right", i only found "i dont know how to use my product and need a helper"things. so i hit 0 to get an opperator. eventuelly i get sent to where im suppose to be, and i have a short 3 min wait ( thats unusually short compared to when i call other companies), tho the lack of any sort of music other than the occassional ad ever 45-60seconds was rather annoying. However the lack of music is not going to ruin your experiance in calling customer service. sure enough in a couple mins i was talking to a rep.
this is where i had my most problems, the rep on the other side of the line was talking so quietly it was hard to hear his instructions at all. i had to press the phone to my head, put a finger in my other ear, close my door and i was still just barely able to pick up what he was saying. No matter how many times i asked him, he just didnt seem to want to speak up. the process was pretty much by the book, get my info, find out whats wrong with my system, instruct/ask about possible solutions and tests to see if its really the ps3, etc. after all which i was asked if i still had my reciept. now while i was talking with the guy on the phone i was looking all around for it, checked my ps3s box, checked in my desk, i found many other reciepts but not for my ps3. so i told him i couldnt find it right now...and i was told it was going to be $150 to fix my two month old ps3 because i didnt know where the reciept is. luckly enough right after he told me that, and right before i was about to get all POed, i found my reciept with my laptops warrenty as well (seems i was smart enough to put it some where i would find it.) and i told him i found it. with out any further questions, such as to proove i had reciept now, i got my repairs for free.
so now im waiting for my PS3s coffin to come in, so i can send it off to meet its maker...now all i need to do is move all my ps3s game saves onto my PS3, so that i dont loose it if i dont see my original 60gb back.
so remember, lie about the reciept because they dont check.