hey well its a new year, and as of late...glass Dominion got a little boring especially on XBL, how people confuse glass DOMINION and glass DOMINATIOR is beyond me...so its now Solid System. for my friends birth day i bought him XBL for a year, and we went with a theme. the discussion started out about MGS and the diffrent snakes, and well at the end we discussed how each of the snakes were a diffrent state of matter, solid liquid. so i picked Solid System, and he picked Liquid System. NOW WE SHALL PWN MULTI TEAM AND TEAM DOUBLES ON HALO3!.
ill probably change my PSN as well...and well its a little harder to change forum names...
alright eveyone, im switching over to diffrent versions of "Solid System"
XBL: Solid System
PSN: SolidSystem
gametrailers: SolidSystem