Considering i havent even touched the campaign yet, i decided to give my views and opinions on what really matters in a UT game...the multiplayer.
Now after being spoiled rotten by XBL for the past few weeks with such titles as Call Of Duty, Halo3, and well... thats about all i play online on the Xbox side of things...anyway, it was hard coming back to the rather messy PSN set up, friends list is much harder to manage(while still not as hard to use as that stupid zune 2.0 software update) and i was once again plunged into a rather lonely online experiance with the PSN. Even after adding about 12 people who said they would be playing UT3 from the forums, i have played with 1 of them...and sent messages back and forth with like 3 of them.
when i was flaoting around the UT3 menus looking to see where i could change my character, i ran into a nice little "friends" and "messages" tab that can be accessed in game...however only friends on your friends list who have played the game show up...and rather than telling you if they are signed on to PSN and just in another only tells you if they are on UT3. anotehr rather annoying thing was when i got i message i went to my message can only send and recieve messages to and from other ut3 players. to get a message from your friend telling you to get on still have to exit the game. so i must say that was a major bummer after seeing the menus like i did. man XBL spoiled me rotten.
now past what are obvious faults with more of the overall construction of the PSN than Unreal. the gameplay, thats where its at. This game feels fast just like the older PC versions of Unreal i use to play. once again your aim has to be dead on in order to take out the enemy, and your reflexes have to be good shape as well. if anything i would say the gameplay is exactly what you expect from unreal...mostly because this game feels like an HD ut2004 rather than a new game completly.
the online portion of this game gets a 8.5-9/10