Yes, the title was meant to be funny/ironic/anything else it falls under.
going back on topic, out of all the next gen systems i felt the wii held the most potential. it wanted to change how we play the game, how the game feels, how we react to the game, not shoving as many pixles and polygons down the throat of fanboys in hopes that they look so amazing 12 year old boys go fapping to them at night, right awkward and moving on. When the wii cameout there were promises of 1:1 combat, lightsabers, amazing controls for shooters, everything and its mom was going to be better using the wiimote...awkward again and this time im running very quickly away from that one.
because of all these promises and my already high expectations of what a game should be, but then again my standards of the gaming world has been lowered by the over hyped behemoth that was promised to be the 3rd coming of jesus considering that halo2 would have been the 2nd coming of jesus if you talked to anyfanboy... right anyway i still have high standards and i dont expect them to fall so low for me to accept a game like wiifit anytime soon.
right, with that out of the way back to my rant in the form of a blog where i dont have to hear all the wiitar....wiifanboys throwing a fit bigger than marios when he found out bowser was banging peach and got her pregnant. The main point i wanted to make, and the reason i named the blog post the way i did is simply because of wiifit. after 17 years of gaming (started when i was 2 and got the original brick GB for my 2nd birthday), and when i say gaming i mean RPGs, FPS, Platformers, RTS, monopoly (it should be its own genre of game consider how many bloody versions of the game there is), and even a little *gasp* MMORPG time i feel i have played enough games out there to have an idea of what i do and do not like.
the only game i know of that i have truely hated on sight would be none other than Nintendos Wiifit. this game is aimed at the little old ladies living god knows where, who have never played a game before (with the acception of wii sports which they should have considering nintendo believes grandma went out and bought a wii because of how awesome it truely is). what ever happened to making a game for the guy who has been buying your stuff for 17 years? why are you marketing to my mum who has no idea what the hell a wiifit even is? i mean the only people who know about wiifit at this point are gamers...and while some gamers support wiifit, i feel those gamers are just saying that because they rtar...i need to stop almost saying that word...gamespot doesnt look lightly apon the use of that word...because they are fanboys who think nintendo can do no wrong. while some might legitly think its a good idea, and may even use it...theres no way i can see wiifit having this much support with such games as...roll the ball in the hole. when is nintendo going to get it together and see your get more game marketing to the guy who buys 2 games a month aka ei Me.
now some people might stop and say "wait there your raving rabid fanboy of Sony considering all your other blogs are about the 360s failure rate, what about Mario and brawl?!" well chaps, im a gamer who likes a little depth to his games and characters. with Mario being the flag ship icon of nintendo, im say do say a rock in final fantasy has more character development than mario in all of his games. Mario is a plumber who saves princesses, that rock is a hard thing that lays on the ground unless its used in a cut scene to be pushed ontop of something....there you go mario has as much character development as a rock. you could almost say marios character development is...paper thing...or maybe even...marios character development is im killing myself today. as for the topic of brawl...while this game very much is aimed at a gamer like myself, this is too little too late. i also had issues with many things in melee, from being able to attack through solid pillars with marth so i could be a camping hore who every one hated, to the ability to wave dash with fox killing the other player eithout giving him a chance to fight best of luck nintendo at making SSBB what it should be.