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Wii-mote: Did i miss something?

Right, with 'Super Smash Brothers' right around the corner i have been looking at my Wii like its a console again...and not just a thing on my shelf taking up space. it once again has joined the ranks of my ps3/360/DS/PSP/PC as a way to play games. as such, i remember all my issues I have with the wii that i forgot about cause i simply didnt care anymore.

First off dont take this as some anti-Wii fanboy blog, it simply isnt...its more of me putting my concerns and dissapointments of what could have been into words. I think the Wii-mote had tons of potential, 1:1 lightsaber action just sounds hot! I bought the Wii on launch, waiting 14 hours in a line to get my hands on the 'revolutionary' system to have one of my own. that night durring the wait i talked with other gamers, and of course what the wii could do was a popular topic. i dont want to even go into detail, but Shooters, Swords, Point n Click adventures, puzzles, etc. were at the top of the list for things we wanted to see and thought the wii could pull off well.

a little over a year from that time...I have yet to really see any of those ideas or concepts make it into game we have lots of minigames that just use a couple sensors per game. its kinda heart breaking when you look at what the wii is currently offering...and what it COULD offer. now right there you might be going "well there glass dominion...buddy...the ps3 could actually get some good **** on the market as well if you know what i mean" but theres the thing...the ps3 games play fine, its all the otehr areas the PS3 games lack on. from Heavenly Sword lacking in length and the puzzles sucking and stuff, to i dunno generic shooter #3 that plays like all the other shooters (im leaving lair out of this mess, yes lair sucked get over it, its not like the ps3 fans had any idea you could mess a game up that bad). The Wii is a diffrent story all together, i have yet to be impressed or even glad the wii-mote was motion sensative at this point. From mario just replacing the "B" button with a Zelda doing the same thing. i mean honestly Mario and LoZ both feel like gamecube games with the wii-mote as an after thought...haha it was for LoZ.

Any way, any Nintendo fan would easily beable to tell me which of the 3 big nintendo games out on the market i have yet to mention...the biggest dissapointment on the Wii for me...Metroid Prime 3. now im not going to get down and diry and tell you everything i HATE about Metroid Prime 3, but lets go over a few of the big things. first issue ,and the biggest problem in my book, I never felt like i was in control let alone in the game. i was constantly straining to turn around and get a control setting that felt right for me. people always **** and moan at me when i talk about this "did you play on expect controls?!" yes i did, and they still were off. you had to point your curser far too off to the side to get samus to turn around on most setting, spinning felt a little too slow considering at any second i can point and shoot at anything i see (its not like halo where i have to move so the enemy is in the middle of my screen). Besides for that, i never felt like i had as much contol over samus as i would Master Chief, or even generic Unreal Tournament dood #3. besides for that, i hated fighting in metroid prime 3 which is kinda weird considering how often you shoot things. now not feeling fully incontroll of my character, its just plain easier to lock on...and all you do is unload as many bullets into an enemy before it dies and move on to the next. its not like halo where the dood takes cover and you fight the guy on your flank only to get flanked again...but this might be a more metroid design issue...anyway, i hated fighting and it took away from me feeling in control even more.

now this is the same title that people compared the wii-mote to the mouse and keyboard. this is the game people said "the way fps were ment to be played" but at this point that all just seems to be fanboys speaking out of their asses again. i dont understand how the wii nailed the controlls yet i can have fun shooting things, and i feel like im playing a game, not some hot ass bounty hunter with a gun for a hand.

So i dunno, maybe im but some weird-o but the Wii just hasnt nailed it for me...the potential is there, a dev just needs to do it.