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Glitchseeker Blog

How long have I been gone...

Hey everyone! Sorry about the LONG inactivity. (if anybody's reading this.) Just... got off track and forgot all about this stuff... Been playing The Lord of the Rings Online and got myself an Action Replay :) But one day (yesterday), when surfing the net on my DSi, I found my GameSpot profile and said, "Wow. I've been gone THAT long?" And then here I am.


1) Quit RuneScape at Level 92.

2) Played Regnum Online for a bit.

3) Played The Lord of the Rings Online

4) ...There is no 4.

Anyway, that's actually what happened. Fun stuff. If anybody is actually reading this, please leave a comment. I'd love to see all of you again.

Strike 3...

And the storms are OUT! Until Saturday! Awesome! Anyway, last night at 8:30 to 9:30 PM, I was with my grandmother at her house since I had to spend time with her. My mom will come soon so I have to stay. Anyway, I saw the weather and rotating winds were approaching us in excess of 60 mph. I convinced them to bring me south down about 15 miles or so to my house for safety but they go mad and said my dad will do the same knowing this. We went anyway. When we got into my neighborhood... The sirens went off and stopped in a bit. I was locked out of my house but luckily my dad let us in and told us, "Good thing you came down here. I just checked the radar and there is a tornado on the county line!"

We checked the weather alerts and it started west of us and headed north-east towards Marion county, the capital. But it stopped before it hit the capital! Following the hail and winds... Rain poured down until morning.

Missed me again, storms!

Ha! The storms have missed me at my house, twice as bad. One day, we had a severe-thunderstorm-warning and we missed it. There was a small "hole" or a small segment that connects the 2 halves of the storm. It was like a nunchuck, the chain is thinner than the handle. And we got that segment and not the storm. Even better, there was a tornado forming while heading by. And it formed minutes late and didn't hit us and hit a different county. Saved again. No lives lost that I know of so everybody wins. And the tornado landed/touched down, too.

In other news, I quit RuneScape since I have problems with the company and their actions. Ask for details if you want. I am on an ENDLESS search for an online game now.

Dark days in Indiana

Here in central Indiana, we encountered many casualties. I suffered, too. In the past few days, several thunderstorms and strong winds hit us. Eventually they formed several tornados in the area. It destroyed many towns and homes, Monroe is an example of the towns. Days before we got several flood and tornado warnings... The place flooded for days, Tornados constantly appearing and finally, today is the day it all ends. Just 2 days ago, ny dad was sent to the hospital for several sicknesses and problems. The next day, my grandparents left me at my house with my older sister to protect me in the meantime since they don't think I should be at that hospital. My sister and I were about to go to our rooms and do things...

Suddenly, my grandparents came in and told us a tornado was forming in the county park. I thought to myself, "Nah. Not gonna happen-" BOOM! Thunder, sirens, wind and the tornado started in the area. I said, "Dang it!" And we headed to our strongest supporting room (The washroom, made of pure concrete walls and cieling). We waited and the sirens stopped... It was just the beginning of the first one. We waited in the living room and the TV said to run to shelter. We remembered that the only warning we got was the sirens. Is it truely a "Flash Tornado?" Flash floods I understand since we got the warning. My grandfather looked out the window and then said, "Quick! Run into the room!"

My grandmother said, "It's just rain." And he said, "Do as I say!" I interrupted, "Just go!" We ran into the washrooms and more sirens started. We saw the tornado right above us but didn't touch down (Phew.) And it headed somewhere else unknown. It was the end of the Owen Country "trilogy" of storms like this... For now.

My grandparents left and the thunder was calming down. They were afraid of anything else happening so they came back for me. I left my sister that day. We hugged goodbye and I went to the hospital to see my dad.

If you were wondering why I stay with my grandparents, it's because I'm not allowed to be alone (Meh.) And then I am forced to stay with my grandparents. My dad goes to the clinic every 2 days or so because of his Kidney Dialisys and my sister has a job and even goes to church twice a week so I have to stay with my grandparents.

NOTE: The Owen Country Tornado is not on the news anywhere, just places around us. Do the people even recognize it's not their imagination? It's not an airstrike even though they use the same sirens. It was clearly a tornado! If you find a link to it, please let me know.

How I miss the Philippines

I miss the Philippines now. My little bro, the large family I had and heck, even all my stuff on my computer lol

In the Philippines I decided, "Why not use the internet? Being online will be fun." And so I searched, Gamespot was the site for me. I never liked using computers much until I moved to the Philippines.

The Philippines was hot, tropical and bright. My family (just those who were raised there) are used to it. I never got to stay long enough to actually get used to the heat. But I'm in the cold, countryside and cloudy part of Indiana now. So I guess they're opposites.

And now I have online friends and I can't talk to them as much now, we're in different parts of the world now. Anyway, pics coming soon!

What makes me absent

I noticed that due to some things I couldn't be on GameSpot.. Let me name a few.
1) The graduation - Yes graduation. It's a pain to prepare for.
2) Too busy preparing for my leave to the U.S.A (4 days left)
3) Not sure what else lol

So anyway I'm back (which is surprising) and I just want to say that I'll be here for the next 4 days then I'll be back 2-5 days later or so. Anywayz I would like to ask, how is everybody? Did you miss me? Do you hate me? Anything new?


GlitchSeeker's Top 10 Edited

Hi, people. It's the time we've all been waiting for! The Glitch's Top Ten (10)! Here, we'll have his favorite video games!
Favorite Video Games
10) Star Fox Assault
9) Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

8] LOZ Twlight Princess
7) Blood Rayne
6) Serious Sam: The First Encounter
5) The Sims
4) The Sims 2
3) SimCity2000
2) Metroid Prime

1) RuneScape =D

(Plz wait for TOP 10 THINGS TO DO after these long breaks) (I'll edit this post later for now I gotta go)

For the things to do...
10) Swim
9) Play Furcadia
8) Mess up video games
7) Annoy people
6) Play RuneScape
5) Type in random stuff
4) Be on GameSpot
3) Annoy people even more
2) lol idk this spot is reserved for random stuff
1) Nothing at all

[spoiler] lol that's all but number 2 is actually answer spam mail [/spoiler]


This is Glitchseeker's stories how he showed off to all of GameSpot. Enjoy. Once upon a time, there was a guy named Glitchseeker who wrote the following blog post.

Hi, people. Time for another boring blog post about ME

Today, we have some random guy from, Glitchseeker! We'll be taking an interveiw about him today. Ok, Glitch. We'll ask some questions first. What's it like being the craziest guy on Earth?
Well, er... What do I call you again? Call me Glitch. Well, Glitch... It's kinda fun having the whole friend list ignoring you so it's cool that I can sneak up to people and talk to them all day but no response but I don't think that's true since 75% of them respond so... Yeah. Ok, Glitchseeker. Thank you for answering. Now let's ask another question. What do you think of your new GameSpot user image? Do you like it or did you upload it for the heck of it? Well, Glitch... I think it's cool but what the heck, aren't you a user or did you just sneak into my picture collection again? Speaking of that, here is my collection of useless images I put up.

Lol but it's all I can show you since the others I didn't make so... Ah, I see you don't like uploading things that you don't completely own, correct? Well that's good. Now let's read some fan mail you got. Dear GlitchSeeker, I dunno what you're up to but it ism't good. My cat was killed in a fire last night because your blog posts are a little too violent. I'll never talk to you again! ~From Glitchseeker~ And I see... What in your blog has fire anyway? I dunno but that letter reminds me of what I wrote back 5 days ago... I remember it like it was yesterday. Here's another one. Dear Glitchseeker, I'm your number one fan I want your autograph so I can burn it in a fire. ~GlitchSeeker~ Well that explains the fire thing. Thanks for the time, Glitchseeker. Huh? What just happened and get outta my house!!!

And so, the news reporter ran away to his mommy. THE END

What I put up with Part 2 (Read 1 first!)


I put up with THIS. lol that's my life. Anyway, I continued this blog to a part 2 (Thanks, Cell_Dweller for the help embedding vids) Anyway, that is how I humbly used the art of Clan Advertising in the RuneScape mini-game, Clan Wars. Once there I joined a clan who's leader, Sizor3000 always begs for me to help him because... If you watched the video, in the top right, the clan had 25 people (Thanks to me) So now I'm hooked on RuneScape for a while. If I don't come here in at least a week... You know why. Anyway, that's what I do when gone...

[spoiler] I'm 20% likely to go for a few months AGAIN [/spoiler]

thanks for watching if you bothered watching what I do >_>

What I put up with everyday

Everyday I put up with my little brother spying on me all day, acting like a monster making disruptive sounds, wastes power, messes up my stuff and likes to hit me. Now I put up with it everyday... Boring but a bit fun having a brother to tie up to a tree during a hurricane but... I wish I could. In fact I don't even have anything to tie him up to my tree at all. Another thing I deal with is ghosts (Read last blog). Now I even deal with uploading vids to GameSpot. Just made one about RuneScape... Anyway, I am in a RuneScape clan fighting for the clan pride and honor in war by recklessly virtually harming other players with a 2 handed sword... I don't see it educational but fun =-D. The good thing about being online is... Things part of the game can be done and no consequences are given in real life. This... is RuneScape. Runescape

If that doesn't appear... It said "Welcome to RuneScape. Nothing interesting happens." And THIS... Is what I do in it.

In other words, it's fun enough and keeps me busy...

[spoiler] The link leads to my vids which are RS related [/spoiler]