Everyday I put up with my little brother spying on me all day, acting like a monster making disruptive sounds, wastes power, messes up my stuff and likes to hit me. Now I put up with it everyday... Boring but a bit fun having a brother to tie up to a tree during a hurricane but... I wish I could. In fact I don't even have anything to tie him up to my tree at all. Another thing I deal with is ghosts (Read last blog). Now I even deal with uploading vids to GameSpot. Just made one about RuneScape... Anyway, I am in a RuneScape clan fighting for the clan pride and honor in war by recklessly virtually harming other players with a 2 handed sword... I don't see it educational but fun =-D. The good thing about being online is... Things part of the game can be done and no consequences are given in real life. This... is RuneScape.
If that doesn't appear... It said "Welcome to RuneScape. Nothing interesting happens." And THIS... Is what I do in it.
In other words, it's fun enough and keeps me busy...
[spoiler] The link leads to my vids which are RS related [/spoiler]