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Beauty and The Beasts

Watched the Leipzig MGS4 trailer yesterday. If you haven't seen it, it's here. It shows the newest "freaks" that will be the bosses in MGS4. I'm intrigued by the bosses themselves, but the trailer itself seems a little bland to me. Raging Raven didn't get enough face time either IMO. I didn't even know what he looked like til I made a sig using him.

The video itself is raising a fair amount of queries and theories. There's been people saying that they think the bosses are remnants of the origin FOXHOUND group etc. All rumours, which have been proven wrong, just by listening to the trailer. The trailer basically is saying how war changes people for the worse, a very "Taxi Driver"esque theme.

The bosses, called screaming mantis, raging raven, laughing octopus, and crying wolf, and all were inhabitants of the countries where the war happened, all beautiful women, and all so emotionally scarred by the war that they transformed into beasts without morality, becoming part machine and incredibly violent in the process of their break down. They seem to terrorize the battlefield, and it looks as if they are fighting against the militia, and therefore working for Liquid.

As far as powers go, they all seem to just use technology to their advantage. The only possible exception being Screaming Mantis, who causes a soldier to shoot his own men, and then suspended him mid-air and killing him. However, if you watch closely, when the soldier is suspended, it looks as if he's being held up by strings. The attack upon his own men also looks suspicious. It looks as if a muscle spasm has caused it, rather than mantis taking over his mind, and with the fits of the soldiers in the last trailer, I think it looks as if the nanotechs in his body have caused it. This would mean that Screaming Mantis isn't actually psychic like Psycho Mantis was, but is just mimicking his power using technology.

As of so far, Laughing Octopus is the boss which is creeping me out. There hasn't ever been a boss who's done that before, but the whole laughing as she kills people, and then shouting, "that was fun" as she leaves seems a bit twisted to me.

I'm also wondering how boss fights are actually going to work. The area system seems to have gone in the gameplay demo, and it all seems to be one big area which melds together. I think they'll have a hard time integrating boss fights, but we'll have to see.