Gmaster13 / Member

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Final Fantasy VII

Okies, for a while, people have told me to get FFVII, FFVIII and MGS1. I decided to get FFVII first. I got it a fornight ago or so, and because of photoshop, (Damn the addictiveness), I haven't started playing properly until today. I now understand why Sephiroth is the total badass for a villain. I'm only at Kalm, but the flashback in the inn was amazing. I'm level 15/16 here, and I'm using Red Thirtenn, Cloud and Tifa, tips are very welcome. Anyways, back to the point.

So yeah, started playing properly today, and I started from Aeris' House. I played through to Kalm watching all the cutscenes, and god Damn it's cool. Best cutscene so far is either The reactor blowing up, or the latest one, Seph completely dissapppearing into the fire, and killing almost the entire village. Great stuff.

I'm currently leveling up, cause Seph's been spotted in a field to the East. I'm using the Earth materia's, but I want some more fires ices and thunders. Materia are costing too much. :(

anyways, got a *Moving Dinner* tonight. Gonna be hard eating off a tabnle as it moves up the road, but oh well.