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Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure.

This game rules. Graf writing may be called anti-social, and you may think that it's boring to do something on a game, when you can walk out the door and tag some wall downtown, but trust me, you won't be doing this.

Ever wondered what POP would be like if you just had a usual person doing no backflips and fighting real people? Well, Getting Up is your game. You play as Trane, who deides to leave his Grandma's place, (No kidding) to become a graf writer. Throughout the game, you meet legends, and watch as Trane style evolves. He gradually makes new friends, and even gets a crew together.

The main enemy in the game is the VANR (Vandals of new Radius), who you often base graf on to humiliate them, one of them being Very average nearly retarded, and the CCK, or the FUCCK as Trane decides to call them. The game is based on 3 main types of levels, stealth, fight, or destination. Destinations are usually used to get you in a place for a nice heaven spot graf. Stealth usually includes knocking out your enemies, and fight is sorta obvious.

The fighting system is easy if using the basics, but gets gradually more complicated. The stealth system is easy enough to master, and the destination is very difficult at times. A very challenging game.

Although all of this sounds great, it does have some cons. Mainly being annoying control along balance beams, and some annoying camera angles, although these flaws rarely rear they're ugly head.

This is a great game. If you like the sound of it, buy it, if you don' like the sound of it, buy it.