I had to do litter picking again today. At first break, me and a friend were in our locker area. My friend had some sweets which he got from the vending machine. He started lobbing them at people, and a little kid from the year below started a war against us. I stayed out cause I've been in enough trouble recently. So, I decide, there's no point not bothering, it's 1 more little risk. So, I threw 1 sweet, and then, my friend threw one and it hit a door, which had glass on. The Head of Year was coming up the stairs at the time. She heard the sweet, and she saw me picking up a sweet to lob at a kid. She then came in, not knowing who threw it, and got everybody there into her teaching room. I stood there listening to her threatening me if it was me, and I ignored it. She said everybody was going to stay in until somebody owned up. I knew that it was unfair on the 6 others there who didn't do anything, so I owned up, even though I only threw 1. Then, the little kid from the year below (Jack) owned up as well. So there we were waiting for my friend to own up, and the HOY sent the rest out, and he got away with it. So Jack was given litter picking and get sent away, and I was standing there getting a lecture about some BS of a sweet seriously hurting somebody or cracking the glass. She said the glass was toughened there, and that it cost other £100 to replace. It was, of course, total BS. Then she said I was constantly up in the ocker area (I only go up there in first break), that I hadn't payed for the ceiling tiles, (I hadn't got the bill), and that I could be excluded for a day!!!! WTF!? for throwing a ****ing sweet. I would stand there in front of my mum if that happened, and tell her that thje HOY is a ****, and is so retarded that she thought a sweet could smash some glass.
That HOY has it in for me. I was annoying the dinner ladies by hiding my plate when I was outside, and when she told me to sit down when eating, I shoved it all into my mouth. She then told me to do litter picking then. She also told me off for not putting away my plate. I'm tired of all the BS I get from her. I can't wait until I get back my French test because I know I've done well. I can then shove it in her face. It'll be great.
Then, I went away, and wrote a speach in English. That was really boring, and I had left my PE kit at home, so I had to use some crappy borrowed clothes. Still played well, (Indoor rounders, not using a bat, and a soft ball). I was miles infront of the ball on my first 2 goes, so I did cartwheels at the end to take the mick out of them. Then, third go, I wasnt so quick and didn't realise. I did a cartwheel, but my feet had to touch the ground. So I got out because it was my hands instead of my feet. Not much else happened, and it was pretty boring lunch.
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