As terrible as this article is he was very successful in his endeavor. Look how many people have signed up just to comment on this shit. The best thing readers can do when an article is this bad is to just ignore it, don't comment on it and don't ever link it anywhere else. I realize the hypocrisy in the fact that I'm commenting as well but I figure I might as well try to remind people this is only validating this articles existence rather than the opposite.
@Winterstar: Bullshit. The juxtaposition of the realism of the jersey against a backdrop of utter absurdity is what makes it parody. He shouldn't have taken it down. They have no real grounds to do anything other than scare him. They succeeded.
@madara86 @Aaronp2k You keep saying grinding has been taken out when you were just proven wrong that it's still in. You can make enemies re-spawn with bonfire ascetics, and if you say that doesn't count then you are just bitching.
Damn you guys are a bunch of negative nancies. I agree the franchise is beginning to get stale, but it definitely looks like an improvement over AC: 3.
Go32111's comments