Go To Hell Dave a Funny old school British point and click game
by GoToHellDave on Comments
Hi Adventure Gamers Im one of two guys attempting to set up an indie development studio based in Staffordshire, England called Falchion Games. Were looking for a little support from the community to gain a little momentum for our first title, an adventure game called Go to Hell Dave is currently in production and were hoping to have a pre-alpha demo available and ready to download by the end of September. Go to Hell Dave is the epic saga of Dave, a normal guy with a typical life until he smashes his car into a lamp-post, with his girlfriend Sharon in the passenger seat. Waking up at the gates of Hell, Dave discovers that his girlfriend has gone, Satan is missing and Hell has become a dilapidated mess. Go to Hell Dave is a hilarious adventure in which you will take Dave on a tour of Hells nine floors, none of which youll never read about in the Bible or the Divine Comedy. Check us out at http://www.facebook.com/gotohelldave Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy our game. Ben p.s. I hope you guys dont think were spamming the forum with this post. Were just a couple of life-long point-and-click fans who are trying to get our ideas out there.