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alright, so i beat halo 2 for the first time today

yup. horrible ending. i did a run through and it only took about 4 hours to beat the whole game. lol. suprisingly i never finished it, and im kinda glad i didn't. if i would have, then i would have been so dissapointed and wanting to know more. well 2 days left till i get halo 3, and i found out that the helmet is actually bigger than it was first said to be. the package its self weighs like 30 lbs. my xbox 360 was only labeled as 8 lbs when i got it fixed. kind a comparison there. on ebay a legendary edition was sold for 300, that person made double. if i had more money then i would just pre-order a regular halo 3 and sell legendary on ebay. well now that i beat halo 2 im looking foward to the next storyline. before i just wanted to play more mult-player. the forge mode on multi-player looks sweeet.

ps3 and to update my computer would be the two next things i want. then a HDTV. not any time soon tho.