Birthday Purchases, Madness Assured!
by GodModeEnabled on Comments
Well it won't be the most exciting birthday ever, but starting march 5th im on vacation for an entire week, and plan to sleep and game that week away. So with my free money for March I went out and bought some games and other junk to spoil myself (hey you gotta once and a while right?) Yeah I know I still have a freakin backlog and here I am buying more games. I went and picked up a GC controller, Memory card and some cube games! Three cheers for the backwards compatible Wii. Added to the collection is the sure to be orgasm inducing Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance, the much talked about Killer 7, Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones, and Viewtifull Joe 2. The last three I bought mainly because they were $18 each or so, even if they suck its not too big a loss. I know ill like Pop cause I played through the first two and enjoyed them, never played a VJ game before and im intrigued.... and Killer 7 well damn I want to try this game. Also picked up the third season of 24 (even though im only halfway through season 2 right now, go Jack!) and the first cd by System Of A Down which is a freakin masterpiece and highly reccomended to everyone. So its not quite like my 20th doing body shots of drunken girls and peeing off a freeway onto cars, but I guess im not quite as crazy as I used to be. I may have to take a trip to the stripclub this weekend though (which is convienently a 5 minute walk from where I work) March is the month of Godmode and mutual madness! Nakedness and beer abound, I raise my mug to the great forces of evil, hot girls and peeing on random things!