by GodModeEnabled on Comments
How do you know when you play too many games? When you buy your fourth Playstation 2.... yeah. I had to. It called to me. Sung to me in my dreams of brutal violence, and awesome threesomes. So the other day I went and got a nice slimline silver PS2 (it looks hella cool) God Of War 2, and Bully. I have only traveserved the first level of GoW2 so far, the entire thing feels like something you would play at the end of a game... incredible over the top presentation, and one hella gigantic statue thing that trys to crush you to crap. The gameplay is practiaclly identical to the first game, its just everything is done bigger and better and honestly I know not even one hour into this game that it has a strong grip on GOTY 07. /I haven't got to try Bully yet, but Upinflames (sorry I dont know hopw to make links work) wrote a very professional review that compelled me to pick this one up and give it a go based on his experiences. I was on the fence before, but it does look like a lot of fun so ill have to mess around with this one a bit soon too. Im still playing through Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance as well, on chapter 18 of 28 I believe and its as expected, orgasm inducing strategy soap opera rpg greatness. Wait what about Tomb Raider, and Crackdown Godmode?! Well I got about halfway in both of them and got bored and moved on to more greener pastures. Ill pick them up again sometime later this year, but they just couldnt hold my attention long enough. Why play good games when so many great games are waiting? Last, but certainly not least, a completly un-gaming related glimpse into my horrible bastard of a life. At our lumber yard large portions of it flooded due to going from -30c temperatures, to +10c overnight......yeah. Snow all melted and floods the place to a depth of ...oh about three feet. Now this "water" isnt exactly nice either, its brown, its full of dirt and grime and probably other horrible mutagenic bacterial infectious wastes due to stagnating in the sudden heat wave. This all sets the stage for one very ungracefull, clumsy oaf to trip and fall- not once, but twice FACE FIRST INTO THE GODAMN THING. There was grime water everywhere...and I do mean everywhere...eyes...shoes...pants...worse places... and what do people do when they see this? Laugh....a lot..... *sigh* Its a good thing as security I actually dont have to carry a gun because I swear I would of shot my foot off by now or something. People suck, mother nature sucks and grime water super double sucks. Im off for some virtual threesomes.