Like Strangling A Godamn Mongoose!
by GodModeEnabled on Comments
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MAY CONTAIN UNHEALTHY DOSES OF INSANE: PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK Thats my second blog title with godamn in it. Awesome. I offically declare that this earns me +3 cool points. IN YO FACE SHAQ. So anyways, I have witnessed the face of true evil, not your hollywood style, always loses in the end villian evil- but more of your serial slaying a thousand people, and building a chapel from their bones to worship satan evil. I of course speak about *shudder* Fire Emblem. Why, oh dear god why does everything I love hate me so much in return. My luck with women should not transfer into my videogaming, some may say its BECAUSE of my luck with women I game so much, but those people are part of aforementioned chapel now. *twitch* So anyways I get to mission 16 and im like "oh lookey dookey an arena!" "finally a chance to level my weaksauce kitten characters, and turn them into chainsaw weilding minions of evil.". Alas it was not meant to be. After FOUR HOURS OF LEVELING, one of main characters gets critical hitted and dies in one hit from a walking transvestite looking mrymidon with a sword. Spalt. Thats it. All gone. I have to start the mission from the beggining and do all that leveling all over again. Every time I load the game its always an instant hit, critical death for poor Hector. Now picture a mongoose: its something like a duck only a lot stupider, and has a retarded name. Hell something called Mongoose should be eradicated from this world just for the premise of its name alone. DONT LAUGH YOU ARE NEXT RHINOCERUS. Anyways picture this animal being strangled violently and sodomized by a searing hot curling iron at the same time. Got the picture? Good. Now think of the scream it would make, and thats what came out of my snarl filled, teeth clenched, barely containing hatred of a mouth. This was before I threw my DS as hard as I could against the wall of course. Amazingly the DS still works like a charm, so I spit on it for good measure and tucked it away. Spitting on things is certainly not as liberating as peeing on things, but I didnt want a pee stained DS. Well not that much. I SUPPOSE IT WOULD OF MADE A NICE COMPANION TO MY PEE STAINED THIRD BROKEN PS2. So anyways it will be many moons before this game sees my time again, and of course after that happened I had to work long extra hours at work over the weekend to top it off. So I went and treated myself to some new games and traded in a few 360 games I already beat for them (Gears Of War, Lost Planet, Smackdown 07, R6V) Super Paper Mario, Manhunt, Summoner and Disgea: Hour Of Darkness I choose you! AND GOD HELP YOU NEW GAMES IF YOU GIVE ME ANY PROBLEMS.