OMFG Is It Really That Big....?
by GodModeEnabled on Comments
Taken from a recent GGD post I thought id share with you something I find rather amusing, And since no one commented on my epic Titans Quest impressions blog (which took quite some time for me to write T_T) I decided to share something with all of you. I can say with the upmost confidence that no one on this site, and I mean no one can match my epic backlog of ub3rnez. With great pride I present to you the list of games in my collection still sitting unplayed! Nintendo DS Front Mission Professor Layton And The Curious Village Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings Of Fates Apollo Justic: Ace Attorney Age Of Empires: The Age Of Kings Nintendo Gamecube Viewtiful Joe 2 Killer 7 Metroid Prime Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones PC Starcraft Starcraft: Brood War Sam And Max: Season One Age Of Mythology Age Of Mythology: The Titans Evidence: The Last Ritual Unreal Tournament 3 Psychotoxic Mafia Company Of Heros Dragons Lair 3 World Of Warcraft Stalker: Shadow Of Chernobyl Civilization IV Dragonshard Playstation 2 Onimusha: Warlords Bully Summoner Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Half Life Silent Hill 3 Odin Sphere Viewtiful Joe Final Fantasy XII Manhunt Manhunt 2 Nintendo Wii Trauma Center: Second Opinion Shining In The Darkness Super Paper Mario Paper Mario Zack And Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure Bloody Wolf Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Gradius Shining Force Ninja Spirit R Type Light Crusader Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Shinobi III: Return Of The Master Ninja The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Xbox 360 Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Tomb Raider Anniversary Marathon Durandal Bully: Schloarship Edition Ecco The Dolphin CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Beautiful Katamari The Simpsons Game Far Cry Instincts Predator Timeshift Burnout Revenge Call Of Duty 3 Lost Odyssey Wik: Fable Of Souls Tomb Raider Legend Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Condemed: Criminal Origins Perfect Dark Zero Project Gotham Racing 3 Prey Outpost Kaloki X Hitman Blood Money Two Worlds Rockstar Games Present Table Tennis Everytime I beat a couple of games I buy like 4 or 5 more this has been going on for years I CANT STOP. What is wrong with me? T_T