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Quick! Someone loan me $1000!!

So I can buy all the great PC games ive missed out on over the last 5 or 6 years. Seriously. Having recently moved in with my brother and his uber awesome gaming PC its time to go back full throttle into a modding hermit who shuns the daylight and screams obscenitys at a monitor about circle strafe, alt fire and epic l00tz. So at the moment here are some must have games I want to pickup but im looking for other suggestions too as I havent followed PC gaming in quite a while and I know I missed something great. I love RPGS, FPS's, Adventure games and Strategy games (preferably turn based but im open) in about that order! Im looking at picking up Neverwinter Nights 2, its expansion, Crysis and maybe rebuying The Orange Box for the PC. What else should I get?