My life is just completely crapped up. I completely cant stand it. Gamespot is a gaming website so i thought i'd only be blogging about gaming stuff, but who cares anyway... I dont have cash to buy a next gen console anyway so what the heck am i gonna do in gamespot.
Anyway, i just did a big exam last year ( PMR, Malaysian form 3 examination). I studied like bloody hard for that exam. I felt like i studied 25 hours a day or something. I did it because people kept on telling me how hard it was to get into science stream.I kept on hearing things like "only the best get in" and all that crap. I would be lying if i said i wasnt scared. So i studied hard and got good results. The results arent exactly what i would call good myself but i got into the bloody best class. I hate my class, it maybe the bloody " best class" but its filled up with nerds that are so into studying that they dont even have a life. I have to suffer to 2 years until i leave secondary school. Thats all the way until 2009.. holy crap. Its only been barely 3 or 4 weeks and i'm already stressed out.
My Parents are not helping at all. They think i'm so freaking free. In their eyes im just relaxing all day long. Their eyes see nothing at all. I cant depend on anyone. I have a few friends that are really nice and supportive but they are all in a different class and we dont have much time to talk or hang out.
To add on to all that , i guess its not just fate that caused this. I prayed hard to be in the best class. And i got my stupid wish. I'm such a fool. Wishing for such a darn stupid thing. I guess i deserve it. I guess if anyone that knows me in real life reads this, they would just laugh. They would just refer to it as problems of a 16 year old. I think thats just crap.I would probably be screw for the next part too.
My love life is like crap too, a few months ago i broke up with her. She doesnt care about me at all. Thats what i feel. I dont feel the connection anymore. Not like before....
The thing is... i'm unsure of my own feelings. I think i like her friend or something.... I'm unsure... I feel like i'm getting desperate. Desperate for love. I dont know... But fear over comes my desperation. I'm just some idiot mixed up with stupid emotions......
If I type the next lines it would just be the typical " my life sucks , i'm sad all that crap" lets skip that...
I hope and pray that something would please happen to correct my life....
If anybody that reads this knows me in real life please dont even talk to me about this. Dont even let me know that you have read this. Its better that way. At least spare my feelings. In truth i wouldnt mind people knowing about my life but i dont want to know that u know about it.
To people that dont know me in real life, please tell me what to do......
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