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Goddiole Blog

Congrats Microsoft

...the christmas is yours with Xbox 360. Gears of Wars, Viva Pinata, Splinter Cell, Rainbow six and all the upcomming Halo games 2007 (?). I'm convinced...the christmas with Wii is going to be a success ...This autumn I'm playing Gears of wars, Splinter Cell, rainbow six and Call of duty 3. I hope :-)Sony PS3 is gonna do well they drop the price...

Playstation 3 cheap?

NO. PS3 big and expensive. Right? I like the games that's in progress. Motorstorm - speechless! Metal Gear Solid 4. Heavenly Sword looks awesome. Resistance: Fall of Man looks good. I like it. But the price...makes me wanna scream at loud. The games is already to high...I hope to see a price drop soon enough. Great rollplaying games.

The graphics doesn't look that different from x360. Blu-ray etc. doesn't make me want a Playstation. It's the games I want.

PS3 is maybe my future investment. I have a x360 right now and I think PS3 is to expensive and the games I really want doesn't come with the release at PS3. I think it's better to wait and see, cheaper games, cheapers console. That's my deal. Til then I'm going to enjoy the 360 as much as I can.

Why Wii?

Wii sounds fun. It looks really fun. But what's up with the games?

Excite truck - if you watch this game and compare it with PS3 Motorstorm you can see a big difference. Not just the graphic, Motorstorm is fun. Excite truck seems like an old Off-roud Xbox game. Nice control but no, this game will not make me get a Wii for.

Red Steel seem to have a fun control but the story and graphics isn't that good.

Sonic and Rayman Wii looks OK but I can get it on X360 later. Maybe the controll is another but no that won't get me a Wii.

Metroid Prime 3 - not my game. Looks a little bit old.

Mario Strikes Charged - looks fun but no.

I think I'm going to miss better graphic and hdtv support for Wii. What makes wanna get a Wii is the controll, Wii Sports, Mario, retro games, Warioware and Zelda. But I want a great racing game...I don't see one at the release. I want a big action game and more funny games like Wii Sports and Mario...I hope we will see more games in the future before I get a Wii.

Tomorrow PS3?

The show is over for now

Tgs is over...a lot of games to talk about. I was more impressed by Sonys line-up now than before. But the best games will be released some time in 2007. So that's not so great. But I will wait til ps3 and the games is cheaper. I think x360 will make worth the wait with all the games releases this winter.

Motorstorm on ps3 looks wild and intense! I would like to see a similar game on x360...a great crazy and fun racing game! Played Rallisport Challenge today on the 360 and it looks better in hdtv. It was great playing the game again...the speed is great and the routes is fun.

Looking forward to Microsofts event next week. I want to see more from Fable 2, Splinter Cell - Double Agent, Forza, Rainbow six, Call of duty 2, Kane & Lynch??....and a lot of other games.

mp3 - Arcade fire

Dougherty is kidnapped

1 hour left to the live show. Yay! I'm not that tired...weird. Maybe I will see the show live then.

Right now I have Mitchell Dougherty on my shoulder, I'm Sam Fisher and i've kidnapped him from smoking. Playing the first Sam Fisher game right now ... in a Fisher mood right now after all the trailers I watched for Double agent. Next month? I have pree-booked it...can't wait... Tokyo next...

TGS on my mind

This weekend i'm in Tokyo. Yeah, In mind at least. I have Gamespot to thank for that. Gamespots coverage of TGS is great and huge, I've tried to stay up two nights now but sadly the time-difference hasn't worked out for me. The live shows is 3 p.m. here in Sweden and I'm sick so no, but I have watch the shows in the morning. Watching the new videos every day, and they are great. And many....a lot of games on my mind right now. Gonna comment more later....must keep up with the gs updates... 

mp3 - Bonnie "Prince" Billy - The Letting Go 

Two new games today


Fable....the lost chapters....

Two new games today finally. Fable and Fahrenheit...played them both tonight and I like them. Waiting for them a long time now....cheaper is the best. To bad that Fahrenheit doesn't work on x360 ....Microsoft fix it! Thanks! My first Blog post....yeah....I hope this isn't my last....missing playing GRAW....tomorrow maybe?? too many games right now and to little hours....sleeping? WHY???

Gamespot thanks!

I'm not myself....goodnight lol