Tgs is over...a lot of games to talk about. I was more impressed by Sonys line-up now than before. But the best games will be released some time in 2007. So that's not so great. But I will wait til ps3 and the games is cheaper. I think x360 will make worth the wait with all the games releases this winter.
Motorstorm on ps3 looks wild and intense! I would like to see a similar game on x360...a great crazy and fun racing game! Played Rallisport Challenge today on the 360 and it looks better in hdtv. It was great playing the game again...the speed is great and the routes is fun.
Looking forward to Microsofts event next week. I want to see more from Fable 2, Splinter Cell - Double Agent, Forza, Rainbow six, Call of duty 2, Kane & Lynch??....and a lot of other games.
mp3 - Arcade fire