Hi, I'm new to Gamespot and I just signed up right now to put this post on. Today I went to game stop to get Patapon 2. The guy who works there asks me if I want to reserve any game. I tell him no, next thing I knew he was talking about the NEW God of War for PSP! I'm thinking oh, my, god! Their making a new God of War!?!?!?! I don't know about you guys but I'm a HUGE god of war fan!?!?!?!?!? I got depressed after he told me it comes out in a couple of months. That means there is going to be a new God of War! Look at the chart below: God of War Fans = New God of War New God of War = More Money for Sony More Money for Sony = New PSP (Probably with cam built in) New PSP = More buyers I love the game so much I beat it with all the suits and its still pretty cool. Please leave a comment below, Dark4218 P.S Buddy me : )
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