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Gods_Angel_Bob Blog

Pokemon Upcoming Tournament

Hi this is Gods_Angel_Bob i will become a full fledged supporter of gamespot i will be making new threads for all you peepss to rant what u like and what u hate!! can i hear a woot woot!! (Cricket Cricket)well now the reply i expeted so todays entry is about the upcoming tournament i hear pros from all over are gonna be joining and a game adminastrator (uncomfirmed rumor) so heres what some people say about it:names kept secret for users proposal:I am entering this tournament with a lvl 100 venasaur a 100 Gallade a 100 Pidgeot a 100 Gliscor a 100 Bannete and a lvl 100 ??? youl have to find out"user kept secret due to request.Another person says that the tournament will have the best of the best and the worst of the worst i probaly wont be able to enter though since this is a new acount.but i will keep everyone updqated on whats going on in it i have a friend whos entering and is gonna tell me all whats happening.Again user kept secret due to request.his team wil consist of 6 lvl 100 eletric fighting Flying Fire Water And Ghost.Maybe a special pokemon .>.This has been Gods_Angel_Bob with the latest update on my new blog stay tuned new updates may co.. WAIT ANOTHER UPDATE user ??? (Confidential) Says Im gonna win this tournament for sure U will all bow.little condited eh >.>.Well thats all the updates im excepting tonight so good night all!!!!il update this tommorow morning wait i got one more shout out from a ??? he says...I aM gOnNa PwN yOu ???.maybe more concited . >.> >.