Egh..I find myself getting sucked back into Dragon Age 2..I'm fully aware of the disappointment this game brought to well..everyone? Still this game brings a lot of boredom killer to me. There isn't any backbreaking quests, and the game is short and to the point. So..why not play it over and over again, especially as a different class which all have their different forms of enjoyment. Sure the game wasn't what anyone was hoping for, including me. But I say give it a break, it brought a lot of fun..and sitting with my friends taking to them as we all play different classes and become jealous of eachother because they got further in the game than the other person really was a good time. The story was confusing and the whole "Champion of the World" thing threw everyone off because so far, Hawke really has done nothing but save a wimpy town which he never left the outskirts of in the entire game. I agree that Bioware needs to step it up and kill it with Dragon Age 3. Still though, Nothing wrong with playing it again.. It really was a fun game..right? :P
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