Goku1213 / Member

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Press Confrences

Hope everyone that watched the Confrences today saw what they wanted to see. I suppose I did..not in the way I really wanted to. The Old Republic was a mashup of past trailers that have been out for a year already..so yeah that was kinda lame. I felt like a 14 year old kid with a movie making software would make that crap in a day or two and throw it up on youtube lol. Mass Effect 3 showed what people wanted to see..gameplay, yet it gave a little bit of a disappoint..I guess I wasnted to see more out of it? Not really sure. Assassin's Creed: Revelations delivered, they had a fairly long gameplay demo which was pretty nice and a couple overviews of the map which was nice to see too. Guess we'll learn more over the next few days when we actually get into the real live demos (: