Goku1213 / Member

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Right so.. Witcher 2 ^^

Right so I'm on my second playthrough of Witcher 2, doing everything totally opposite from last time. First time I went through I had gone totally by instinct. I followed Iorveth, mind you the greatest Elf of all time. Avoided killing the dragon, leting Sile explode in a terrible vortex of teleportationness, blah blah blah blah. I was praticly the underdog, following the ones without the power, going against the top dogs of the game. Though I rushed through it, missing a frickload of sidequests, good armor, weapons etc I found the first playthrough, actually, quite enjoyable. Though, now, on the second time through the game of sheer enjoyfulness, doing everything I wouldn't do If I hadn't already done everything else..I'm actually finding myself having more fun with the game. Is it because I know where to find everything, because they're new quests awaiting me that I still haven't done..Or, is it that I simply enjoy this half of the game so much more than the goodie-two-shoes Geralt of Rivia that I was before. I'm not really sure.. better cutscenes, better quests, diverse mapping. What could be better. Though I'm convinced for some reason, If I had played how I'm doing now, I would have liked siding with the squirrels more..maybe >_> I'll forever be confused with myself