My buddy was next to me, i hit a home run but accidently got the Wii-Mote stuck in his urethra. Thatwas akward for a moment, but now we laugh about it, and the fact that he can't have children.
Quite a while ago, someone from Nintendo said they would be releasing the Wii with a DVD player sometime around this holiday season, in japan only of course.
When i got my Wii.. I had to drive 3 hours to get to a Wal-Mart on lauch date, lucky enough i got one. On the way home after opening everything and just holding the nunchuk and Wii-Mote in my hands, a tiny tear came from my eye. I was so happy.
That and Tales of Symphonia made me cry like a baby.
I was playing Tennis with a friend i was sitting down, he was standing near me. He smashed in the game, and well he smashed my head with the Wii-Mote.
Another funny story, my girlfriend was playing bowling and we were in a low ceiling room, everytime she let go of the ball she would smack the ceiling, i stopped her after her 2nd ball.
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