so we have to pay for xpansions we have to pay monthly now there already a ingame shop thats pushing it already nooooowwww they wanna make this buyables now too man blizz soon as i though they were makin a come back they turn around and wanna start this um noooope ill stop subbing all together.
I think its crap i really dont care how they try and justify it damn games are problably gonna cost 70-80 bucks after i spend that amount i EXCPECT TO OWN THE GAME. I excpect to be able to do whatever i want with it. This is the very reason why people depend on pirating now days stupid shady crap like this.
@deathstream @KamuiFei @deth420 there is no cause of concern only people who will get turned off are the mainstream WoW fanatics and thats no loss for me or most the old school tes fans and yes ive been playin tes since arena. The game will draw in a number of players both mainstream and es fans. You dont need millions and millions to be a great game neither.
If you dont like story and adventure style games this genre is not for u so people sitten in here complainin can go ahead and freaking stop. Theres a genre for everyone .
Goldrock's comments