Today, November 17th 2006, Sony's Playstation 3 made its launch right here in North America. Many excited people hoping to own the Playstation 3 lined up days before it would be launched, despite the $600.00 tag on the PS3.
So some non-gamers often ask: What is the big deal? It is only a game? (actually, if you haven't noticed, it is a game console. a little difference there). Well, there are many reasons that this could be answered. For one, there was such a limited amount, that if you didn't get in line early, there is a large chance that you wouldn't get one. A lot of stores, barely owned a dozen units. That could be one explanation. Another that might be the answer, is the State of the Art graphics. But that is only a small one. It is the next big console by Sony, and there is no doubt that they will be extremely happy owning one, being of of the first ones to get one.
So, the time came: the time BestBuy, Future Shop etc. opened. They were told to be patient in owning one, but in parts of the United States of America, there was unrest. In Denver, there was a stamped of people hoping to own a PS3. And in Connecticut, two gunman at one store told hopeful buyers to hand over belongings. One hopeful buyer, who refused, was shot. But in Canada, there were no problems. People lined up patiently in places like Toronto and Kitchener/Waterloo stores to get ones, so they would get theirs and hopefully give others a chance. Now as today, those excited people who hoped to get one, take out their Playstation 3's, and play on them, or do whatever, are for one thing: extremely happy to own the PS3. However, there are also many, who waited in line overnight, who didn't get theirs, and are disappointed, and hope to get one later.
Sony also has a competition: Nintendo's new console, the Wii, which makes its debut on Sunday, November 19th. No doubt there are many people ever excited to see this launch, and hope great success. Many Sony and Microsoft fanboys hope to see the Wii flunk, and have argued why. Me? Well, unlike those fanboys, I hope the Wii to see great success.
The Wii introduces a new revolution in gaming: the Wii Remote control. Instead of the traditional game controller, in using the remote, you almost literally control the movements. For example, instead of pressing a button, if you want to make Link swing his sword in the Twilight Princess, you actually swing the remote like a sword. If you play tennis, you swing the remote like a tennis racket etc. There is no doubt that the Wii will have great success.
Well, as the newest systems do their launch, we have to answer: which one to get, not to forget about Microsoft's XBOX 360, which was releases last Christmas season. For fanboys, the choice is easy. But for non-fanboys like myself, the choice is indeed: difficult.