@kouji03 @barleybosh @chapnzaba @xhawk27 Well honestly you shouldn't expect that from Microsoft. It's how this system works and I already knew something like this was going to happen when they decided to release minecraft for 360
Since they said New Version of Minecraft coming out for Xbox One. It looks like they are going to stop updates once the Xbox one edition comes out. So don't hope for a horse update with your current system.
@Prats1993 @Gondorei Well, not forced... Just an idea of it. A lot of people didn't want it because of the restrictions and that was making them want to go for the Ps4.
@XisurusX @Gondorei @Swoopalz I still have my desktop on Windows ME I grew up with that just version so i wouldn't understand what you don't like about it ... sorry lol
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