I'm sorry,I've been gone for so long without telling anything.I feel a bit more grown up now,so you will see less jokes in my blogs.
I bought the ps3(the 320 gb one,and I separately bought the move controller and camera).I actually bought it 2 weeks ago,but I didn't tell you all.It took a lot for me to get up and blog.I think I'm going to be away from GS for a while.I don't know for how long,but it will be some time before you see me again.But I might just reappear tomorrow,it all depends on my mood.As for the decision,I'm sorry Xbox fans,but I took the decision after a lot of brain-storming.I currently have 3 games,and 1 which I borrowed from my friend.I bought Uncharted: Drake's Fortune,Uncharted 2:Among Thieves(both of them were available at the price of 1 in a package) and Fifa 12.I borrowed Just Cause 2 from my friend.As for psn,I haven't signed up yet.
I don't think I would have even blogged about it,and left GS leaving you guys wondering.But I felt I should tell you all,and so I did.
Just to make this blog end with a little bit more,I would give an emoticon-Bye:)