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So this is a... "blog"... Okay, then. Let's talk Street Fighter.

Okay, blog time. This is my first blog so bear with me. All two of you. It definitely will not be updated on a regular basis because of other things I do, most of them CARA-related.

Yeah, so let's open up the blog by talking about one of my favorite games of all time: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers for the Genesis. For a time, my entire family was into it. My mom even bought those six-button controllers, even though SF2 is our one and only Genesis game that actually uses them in any real fashion. I'm bored, so let's go over all 16 characters and make fun of them.

RYU: Ah, the silent hero and the "face" of Street Fighter. Coined "HADOKEN!". Is it just me, or was fighting Ryu in single-player much harder than everyone else except M. Bison and Sagat?

KEN: Ryu is to Ken as Mario is to Luigi. Ken's a poor man's Ryu, and he was one of those guys I'd always cream without hardly even trying, and it was 12 years ago, when I was FOUR, that I was playing this game for the first time. Ken sucks.

E. HONDA: Excerpt from the manual, roughly: "When E. Honda stepped out into the world of professional street fighting, he was amazed the rest of the world did not consider sumo to be a true sport". Well, Honda, sumo is a sport like fishing is a sport, Brain Age is a video game, and Michael Jackson is a black guy: We just don't know what the heck else to call it.

BLANKA: Ah, the wild man from Brazil. I used to spam his electricity attack like crazy. I don't know much about Brazil, but whenever I hear about it or read about it, I think of Blanka. Thank you for teaching me these excellent ethnic stereotypes, Street Fighter!

GUILE: Guile is such a huge loser.

CHUN LI: Chun Li is possibly my best character and is also my mother's favorite. She's just so freaking fast yet she's plenty powerful. She's also a nice character choice if you're into dozens of gratituous panty/leg shots. >_>

ZANGIEF: One of my favorite characters. Despite his slowness, I loved his personality. He was fun-loving and "wrestled bears for fun". That's badass! Fun Fact: In his Japanese appearances, Zangief was actually... not straight. Apparently, Japan thinks it's hilarious when the huge, burly tough guy likes... other... guys. Yeah.

DHALSIM: This guy freaked me out when I was little. He never outright scared me, but he IS creepy, you must admit. I marveled at how he had magical powers that would've easily made him king of the street fightin' world if he didn't move so slowly. God, he's slow. Zangief could outrun this little twerp.

CAMMY: When I think of Cammy, I think of "CANNON DRILL!". I always thought Cammy was a little weird, just because of the blue lightning bolts all over her legs. According to the manual, Cammy weighs in at a whopping 98 pounds. No wonder she flies around so easily.

DEE JAY: What a hilarious name. Dee Jay's another one of those guys I could beat with one hand tied behind my back. He has some kickass win poses, though.

T. HAWK: T. Hawk was my father's favorite character since his special moves were easy to pull off. This big ol' chief had me confused for a while. He's an Indian, and he was forced out of his homeland by M. Bison into Mexico. So, even though I read the manual, I never made the connection until several years after getting the game and just assumed that mexicans looked like T. Hawk. Thanks again for the ethnic stereotypes, Street Fighter!

FEI LONG: And here we come to the little tiny short guy. I still chuckle every time I see Fei Long hurl a big lug like Zangief or T. Hawk effortlessly while screaming. "HOOWA!" And then one of his win poses is some sort of strange vibration. "HOOOOOO-WAH!" My little brother's favorite character and possibly the funniest character to watch in action (except for Chun Li when she does her upside-down super-gratituous spinning kick move)

BALROG: I understand Balrog is a boxer, but would it kill him to figure out how to do something besides punch? Every button punches. Every one. And his special moves are also all punches. Oh, he's got a headbutt. But that's it. Balrog is like Hitmonchan.

VEGA: This guy's a maniac. I thought Chun Li was fast, but even Vega is faster than her. He's called the Spanish Ninja, but he's not quite as badass as most ninjas. Scorpion could take him easily.

SAGAT: My least favorite character. I hate this guy. When I run into him in single-player, he beats the crap out of me over and over and over by spamming Tiger Shots (He still kicks my ass to this day). And if you wade through that sea of Tiger Shots, just when you think you have a chance at hitting him... "TIGER UPPERCUT!". But that's not the worst part, oh no. The worst part is when I try to fight someone else with Sagat... and I suck with Sagat. Horribly. It's not fair, I tells ya.

M. BISON: Even though he's the big bad final boss, M. Bison isn't nearly as hard as Sagat to defeat. I also thought M. Bison was much cooler than Sagat, especially with how he threw off his cape. M. Bison is also big trouble in versus mode: It's easy to trap a human opponent with M. Bison's super-dee-duper Slide attack, and just keep doing it over and over, giving them no chance to recover. It's very cheap and it's been banned in the household for when me and my younger brother go at it.

So that's... pretty much it. All 16 Street Fighter 2 characters. I'm not sure how to close this, so I'll end with what I think E. Honda says after he uses his Headbutt move: "DU-QUIKE!"