OK seriously has anyone noticed how gamespot twists everything so that the Microsoft version is better??? It started with the original XBOX, every time a game was reviewed and got the same rating for both PS2 and XBOX the little "best" logo pointed to XBOX. Now it has moved to Next-Gen, starting with the graphic comparisons. I dont know if anyone else noticed that the screens used for PS3 are a lot lighter and less crisp than the 360 ones, MY PS3 is NOT that light and most games have clear edges on things like buildings and cars.
Now the reason for me to actually start writing something about this was the recent story that GTA:IV sold 60% on 360 and 40% on PS3. Is this a necesary story??? There are more 360's out than PS3's, by 6 million consoles, simply because they came out a year before. OBVIOUSLY with NINETEEN MILLION more consoles you SHOULD sell more copies than the console with THIRTEEN MILLION sold, simple economics people. Now Gamespot is saying how much of a victory this is for Microsoft because people CHOSE the 360 version over PS3, people dont CHOSE, they GET THE GAME FOR THE CONSOLE THEY HAVE! This is more of a victory for PS3 because when you do the math 18% of PS3 owners bought GTA:IV and 19% of 360 owners bought GTA:IV, so Sony customers are more likely to buy a game than Microsoft owners, even with a ton of new PS3 exclusives coming out soon. So the reason 360 sold 60% was because there are more 360 owners than PS3.
I'm just trying to say that GAMESPOT likes to twist things so that it sounds like XBOX 360 is DOMINATING the PS3, it is not. PS3 is, on the contrary, starting to really gain some ground on the 360 now that it has been out for a year and a half (in case you forgot 360 has been out for 2.5). And multi-platform game sales don't matter anyway its the exclusives that show the real stats and PS3 has some great ones coming out soon including HAZE, MGS 4, FFXIII, Singstar, GT 5 (2009), and HOME! Also they have already had hits like: Uncharted, Resistance, GT 5: Prologue, Folklore, F1 Champ. Edition, Genji, Heavenly Sword, MotorStorm, R&C: Tools of Destruction, and PSN downloads such as Flow, Blastfactor, and Echochrome
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