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Steam screwed with me for the last time

I'm tired of steam hogging my entire download limit and not letting me play my own games just because I refuse to take all of their bullsh*t updates. I bought a copy of Killing Floor I won't be able to play for weeks now thanks to Steam's rubbish updates and refusal to work even in single player at anything other then a super fast net speed. I can only currently play two of many games in my collection thanks to steam believing that it knows better then me. Its like Valve owns every game I put on that bloody program so now I'm stuck playing bot matches in Battlefield 2 or playing MW2's campaign offline for the thousandth time. I have many games I'd love to play that I actually own that steam is refusing me. This is the last time I will buy a game that forces me to download Gigs of space just to play. Screw you Valve and your b*stard child Steam. This is the reason I won't be buying Black Ops after the hoops it forced me to jump through with MW2. They're my games and I think I'll keep them in the future rather then entrusting them to some faceless Valve employee.