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Gorilla_Black21 Blog

The Rise of The Fallen

   Yes i know its been a long time it seem the whole summer ive been dead or something sleeping all day and night but as school nears this weird feeling boringness(is that a word)seems to be leaving me I feel alive(sounds corney dosent it).Just to clear things up This blog post might give you the impression that i like school believe me that is not the case I hate school as much as anyone else maybe even more. Anyways since I am feeling Alive I went out and got myself  Shadow Hearts: From The New World but since my PS2 been broken for the past 5 months Im playing it on my Friends PS2. It a really good game so far and i hope i can beat it before school starts.That all i got for now.Till next time (hopefully it wont be another 4 months)!

My Ramble

   Well it been a long time since my last post because i am pretty lazy anyways my PS2 is un-fixable so i gonna get a new one soon (hopefully before school ends).Since i have no PS2 at the moment I have been playing Super Nintendo a lot. I Finally Beat Chrono Trigger (SNES Title for all who don't know)and might write a review later on. Well that the end of my ramble.

Broke & Busted

  I just got Dragon Quest VIII but after one day of play my ps2 broke nothing big i can fix it but i don't have the money now so after an hour of me runnung around angry i got my friend to lend me his ps2 but it is pal and all my game only play on ntsc systems and the only game my friend has that looks interesting is Virtua Fighter 4 not a bad game but i wanted to play Dragon Quest just my luck!