@adkcrazox: Two people calling me an idiot is not proof of the statement, hell for all I know you could have two gamespot accounts. All it really shows is there are two sheep here not intelligent enough to come up with unique insults.
CoD Really? Please you really need to learn how to smack talk. I wouldn't play CoD if you paid me.
@adkcrazox: is idiot the only insult in your vocabulary? You've literally provided no logical arguments or evidence that this is still a game with a pulse. All you've done is insult me for asking the question, and rather poorly I might add.
@northdistortion: @adkcrazox: Y'all must be the same person? How about coming up with a unique insult why don't you.
This game was pretty shitty on launch and is a shell of a product compared to BF3/4, so me asking if people actually still play this is valid. You fanboys need to unclench those undies
there needs to be much more than JUST a hardcore mode. They need more diverse gametypes and even ones with respawns. As well as larger, progressing maps. The game itself looks amazing but I don't want to spend the better part of my new player experience behind a spectator cam, not to mention all the game types have similar win conditions and there are too few maps. I really really want to get this game, but its by far not worth my money right now
Goron24's comments