@dmastor @devilzzzwin I don't understand the comparison? AC20, arent we on like the 30th Mario game? I mean don't get me wrong I love Mario but if you are talking about overdone franchises Mario is definitly one
@StHapns247 @Goron24 @CPTCUDDLES Not necessarily true. Hardware runs all aspects of gameplay. The more features you pack into a game the more processing power you need etc. But again it is up to the developers to program these features.
@CPTCUDDLES Dude.. Why do you blame the Xbox for a games failure.. The xbox hardware is solid it all depends on how the devs use it. clearly they didn't use it to its full potential
@JDWolfie @maxtx2013 So far only killzone and forza are the exclusives (so no COD and BF4) that are doing any good.. but like quad said even the ps3 and xbox360 launch line ups were garbage
@devilzzzwin @dmastor Dude that makes no sense both those games are on xbox360 and ps3... you cant say better on WII U as it is just conjecture (and likely nintendo fanboyism) besides this furthers my point that WII U is last gen if they are releasing games on the 360 and ps3 along with the WII U and not the WII U ps4 and xbone.
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