@Paratrooper20k Are you on a website for video gaming enthusiasts? There are many places where you can read about mass starvation and public executions in North Korea, child labor and child soldiers in Africa, stonings and female genital mutilation in the middle east, etc. etc. etc. But I VERY seriously doubt you give a **** about any of these. You're not clever, funny, insightful, or original. Shut. The. ****. Up. You coddled hypocrite.
@Xalaze I honestly think this entire show is born from contempt for their own readership. Lots of people in lots of jobs may feel like mocking their customers from time to time, but Gamespot has found a way to monetize shitting on the people who directly drive their business with views and therefore ad revenue. It's in very poor taste, and its childishness is glaringly hypocritical.
Pathetic, Gamespot. You act like it's childish to criticize the performance of upcoming consoles in the face of the massive hype that's being shoved down the consumers' throats? These companies (especially Microsoft) are attempting to get away with more bullshit than ever before, and all you can do is mock your readers' concerns, as if we should shut up and stop caring about the quality of what we're expected to pay good money for, as you float angelically above the fray with your advertising dollars. What do we need gaming "journalism" for, again? You useless shills. Put that on your stupid-ass show.
@ZZoMBiE13 @Slade968 What are "good graphics" and how do you separate that from "aesthetics"? What does "artistically impressive" mean in relation to games without thought of the purely technical systems that games are composed of? What even are the possibilities of games in the future? None of these have definitive answers, and all are fluid, subjective, moving targets. What you really want is for a new status quo to mirror your own narrow-minded view of games.
@ZZoMBiE13 @Slade968 What are "good graphics" and how do you separate that from "aesthetics"? What does "artistically impressive" mean in relation to games without thought of the purely technical systems that games are composed of? What even are the possibilities of games in the future? None of these have definitive answers, and all are fluid, subjective, moving targets. What you really want is for a new status quo to mirror your own narrow-minded view of games.
@ZZoMBiE13 I don't know what you've been reading, because Gamespot certainly does address all the things you mentioned and more in their reviews. And graphics should have no weight? Enough of your drivel.
@ZZoMBiE13 I don't know what you've been reading, because Gamespot certainly does address all the things you mentioned and more in their reviews. And graphics should have no weight? Enough of your drivel.
@TheJBerger51 Wow, aren't you special. Reviews are a tool to help you make the decision. Gamespot doesn't claim to have infallible, supernatural authority to dictate your opinion to you. The very fact you're free to post your dimwitted feedback here shows their willingness to be accountable for what they do. It's only the consequence of your own ineptitude if you can't even understand what that is.
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