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One-Hit Wonders and Blunders

Some games weve played (atleast myself) I had beaten then never picked up again. I either just forgot about them, prefered something else, or just plain didnt care. Here are some.

Red Dead Redemption.

Its a very good game, but I just dont see the point of starting over. Maybe in a year or so. I dont even see any reason to play the end game/completed content. I unlocked what I could. Just not enough replay value for me. Extra content sucks.

Dead Space.

Dont even like the game. I went through it kind of just expecting it to start. Sure it looks good but...thats it. A yawner.

Fable 2

Same exact reason as Dead Space. And do not think I could be "good or evil" because theyre pretty much exact content.

Ninja Gaidan 1 and 2.

Looks nice, kinda fun while it was fresh. But who cares? Stale bread at an excelerated rate.

Prince of Persia 2008

Its a good tedious work out. Then the end. I liked it and might come back when I have nothing better to play. Which is highly unlikely.


Id actually love to replay this. So many classes to choose from. But it is so linear and even the class types are linear. But it hasgot an epicness even if a fraction. It is also a rough game.Maybe some day I will play again when I have a hankering for some lovely visual fantasy rpg.

Final Fantasy 12.

I did enjoy it. But on retrospect I find it more of a chore. Sitting through the awful cutscenes with the awful character designs and voice overs, expanding my hours to go from point A to point B. I am affraid I will have to lock this in the vault. I played it to death the first time around.

Doom 3.

More like flash light 3.

Wario World.GC Wario Shake it.

Great concept. Bad execution. Doesnt hold anyones attention.

Indiana Jones Staff of Kings.

Just a bad game. But I thought I could get used to it. I did but wish I had not.

Metroid Other M.

I was so dissapointed with this. It had potential to be really good. But it was so againts the grain. So long winded. A petulant story and voice overs. Just an emo anime version of Samus. SAMUS TAKEING ORDERS! AND BEING TOOOLD when to use her gear. He locked them? In her suit? I dont get it.

Donkey Kong Country Returns.

I enjoyed this. But I found it lacking. I found they cared to much on the stupid wii controls and remote use, than actual level and music and character designs. All be it still very nice.Not better than the SNES. I just dont want to go through it again. Even to find the secrets. Maybe one day.

God of War. ALL of them.

I play it. Yea yea you go through an elaborate fight scene, you take down ridiculously large and powerful creatures, theres blood, violance blah blah blah. Its like if you enjoy swimming , but do it every single day. Repetative and quickly stale. The character of Kratos doesnt impress me. It all seems too generic to me. To each their own. I wont be playing any of them soon. Maybe ever.

Dead Rising 2.

Only say this one because Id rather play the 1st one more. I think the first 1 has a nicer mall, better characters. Better story (even if its a prequel) They put to much into the story. Its slower, the camera angle is worse. The weapon utilization is worse. The only good weapons to use are the stupid crafted ones. So what is the point. Just my opinion.

Sacred 2.

Just lost interest.

Thats all I can think of right now thats most recent.

Mario has always been there.

Well my xbox 360 just died for the 2nd time. Red ring light. Its the one i had after I sent it in to be repaired the first time for red rings of death. I have to pay for repairs or buy a new one since my warranty has ran out and its been the 2nd time. So Im here to vent in a blog. What else am I gonna take it out on? My friends? My cats? My valuable peices of furniture?

Since xbox is supposed to be the leading console. Since microsoft is so Fing rich, why is there products faulty? Why such an outrageous fee and point system on xbox live? Arent these fees a little drastic? Too much money these days and for a faulty unit. They didnt fix anything. People new and old to xbox is still getting these red rings. I dont think I play it too much. I keep the thing clean and cool. I dont transport it anywher, I treat it like a ming vase. I shouldnt be worried or cumbered by thought of my xbox dieing from playing too long. We have a right to play it as long as we want. With in reason. No 48 hour strait garbage. So WHY?! Why cant we stop makeing new BULLS--- like tweeters and 20 thousand lil ipods and thumb sized phones to make our computers and stuff efficient as can be. Long lasting! Why cant the xbox be like the Wii?! OHHhh I said it!

Yea.Nintendo (IM TALKING ABOUT ME, AND ONLY ME) In my vast game hobby life span, nintendo is the only company that never failed. Pcs crash. Playstations disc readers screw up. Xboxs mysteryously konk out. 360s overheat. But through out nintendo has had the best sales, and the greatest technology that works, and is easiest. Mario is still number one. Mario Galaxy 2 reached record sales last month. Dont remember exactly but around the Sims number. Approaching GTA. Wii is still makeing nintendo tons of money. Now I realise Nintendo is the weakest graphicly, the most linear. Not as great as an online. Smaller game spans. Still. A multiplatformer. most people (atleast me) always chose nintendo. Game cube was JUST AS GOOD as xbox and ps2, n64 gave psx a tight run, and even outshined dream cast. I understand its all opinion but its all a little too conveniant too many times. The DS alone is a highly enjoyable system. I dont have a ps3 but Ive already heard theres enough faulties that could fill a room. So Mario bros and zeldas and smash bros. They never fail. They make the gameing world turn and bright. And the STUPID HORSE ADKLJHFJDSKHDSSKL (insert cussing) like xbox 360s ring of death , and xbox live bleeding me dry of my money is a cancer. Im glad microsofts goin under. I hope it crash and burns. Once again it will be mario smirking over the ashes triumphantly keeping true to video game roots.....Hm...Im still rather fond of my pc though.

PC GAMES! PC is wher its at babeh!

My most hated rpg cliches.

Its hard to be original when it comes to RPGs. Some do it well, some dont. Some like to be realistic, some like to be totally obscure. Its starting to get silly at some of these cliches and some people may consider themstaples. Some actually LIKE these features. Its rare when things (for me anyways) dont get watered down by these cliches that pickle RPGs old and new. Id like to discuss a few

Sex Sells: Probably my most bothered RPG cliche. Most protagonist are usually some boyish exotic haired hero. Or some brooding rugged looker with alluring gazes. Even other sub characters tend to be blond bombshells or BIG BREASTED slender super models. I know Im takeing a realistic view point but it would be refreshing to see just a little bit of fat people. A little mal nurished and out of shape. I KNOW there heroes but its just over done. I understand there heroes or warriors ect but its getting silly. Some sexy slender babe with a great pair usually arent professioned in fighting. CASE CLOSED. Plane Scape torment was an awesome example of how not to do that. An undead guy. Fable 2 had a fat chick with dread locks. Just a few examples I can think of right now. IM JUST TIRED of seeing the sex factor overshadow things.

How old are you?!: Almost every RPG of every kind has a very young kid. Can a 17 year old really fight that well? How old was cloud in ff7? He joined a military faction when he was 16?! I may be mistaken in my facts. But its too bloody young. All these boy toy heroes coenspire with the sex sells topic above. How could kid, that barely had there ballz dropped be takeing down giant monsters and weild huge swords. Whers the middle aged wise individuals. Whers the seasond veterans takeing life and the world head on? Oh those are usually the ones that die.

Horrible endings: Rpgs are supposed to be about the story. And usually the endings are garbage. Too short, a cliff hanger, un explained events. Un exemplified characters. ZERO character development. You play long and hard and just to get one dinky cuttscene of a quick recap and quick narrative of what happend next. No emotion. Kinda feels cheated. The same could be said for all games not just RPGs. But RPGs its expected and wanted even the more. A few examples that dont do this is Tales games from namco. Final Fantasy 4, 6, 8 and especially 9. The rest were crap. Baldurs gate 2 had a good ending, with cool character epilogues at the end with gorgeous music to compliment it. Character development is the most important for me. Lot have good endings , but MOST do not. And its cliche

Death Penalty: I dont understand why some games out there penalize you for dieing. Point of a video game is supposed to entertain not scold. I understand the need for challange but theres a difference between makeing you suffer for either a mistake or inaquitity, and challangeing experiance. Now Im obviously refering to MMORPGs. But what about ofline crap in alot of these rpgs like diablo, titans quest. They require you to save before hand but you never know when. You simply forget. Or are given a save point way before the tribulation is.Its unessessarry. Forceing you to start all over. Experiance debt, experiance loss, repair bills, money loss, gear retrieving , down times. These things dont make a player feel good. I know and you know its all a marketing ploy to prolong the gamers monthly fee on MMOs. Bravo....

Long winded: How many RPGs have alot of useless dialogue that wear and tare on your patients. Its usually in the form of bad writting. If the dialogue and monologue are gonna be there make sure it holds merrit. Dont interupt or waste time talking about useless lore and conjured fantastic histories that have no effect on anything. Youl find yourself mashing through the text so you can continue. good voice acting helps. So does interesting bartering. It is indeed all about opinion but, then again no one can deny they havent skipped through all this dialogue.

Enemy Redundancies: Sick of fighting small rodents at the start? Want to start with something with more depth and emersion? Me too. Tired of the slimes and rats and badgers and little crawling pumpkins. AND BOARS! What if the rats came at the end of the game?

Music: I think in these days of realisticness and graphics the music is forgotten. Its the same rehashing and glib reiterations through out the game. The battle music is some symphony like score that has no merrit or tune. Its all to atmospheric. Most of the rpgs dont even have music! Its mostly a 20 second tune then silence! WHY? Make soem good music for the overlay. Make it gripping. Good composing. Make theme songs. Characters should have a snappy theme. Like the old chrono trigger and final fantasy days.I think the cast on dragon age would make interesting theme songs.

Thats only part of my list but the most important. Other are minor cliches like repairing gear, love drama, drawn out leveling systems. Lack of equipment variety.

Game Dissapointments and pleasantries.

Id think it would be kinda fun and mentally supportive to mark down on recent slash next-to-recent games that have majorly dissapointed me or pleasantly suprised me over the past few years. Not saying Ive played them all. Hopefully its a list I can keep adding to.


Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings. For the Wii ofcourse. I was so looking forward to this game. At first I shrugged off its horrible controls thinking I would just get used to them. I was wrong. I did the same with graphics...It was bad. I like the level design and innovation but the innovation was taken too far. Its honestly like a mediocore PS1 game. I just wanted to beat it and be done with it. Thinking of replaying it sort of fills me with dread.

Fable 2. Yea, thoughs who know me know what I have to say already. Fable 1 is better. It actually might be more tolerable on the PC then dealing with the poor craft of the 360. Yea thats right...crashes, slow choppy loads and slow rezzing.

Mario and Luigi Partners in time. I love the game itself but it was too short. Sucky ending. And a weak storyline. I forget...what did it have to do with time travel? Oh right just an alternate past label....thats all.

Batman Arkam Asylum. I know people are gonnawhine at me but the thing Im dissapointed in is the type of game. Its a tomb raiderish syphon filter stealthy melarky. Should have expected that comeing from the lagging company of Eidos. Graphics look a little too grainy and gritty. They look like clay roman statues. Love the voice acting though.

Iron Man. Need I go into detail?

Wario Shake it. A boring and tedious game. Level completions give no satisfaction because your always missing an extra goal. So Im replaying it over and over. The storyline was lame to.

Sonic Chronicles. Hell every new age Sonic game is a dissapointment. Its just that this has potential. Stupid Bio ware. I hate this company. I hate there Long dragged out fighting with stupid dialogue making you read it to choose your wording. I understand why folks like that but not all of us do. Sonics battles were just hard and annoying. Integratind touch screen with turn based battles is a horrible idea. It should have been like Mario and Luigi. partners in time.

Street Fighter 4. Again. Thoughs who know me know what I say. Unbalanced characters. Collision detection problems. Lack of modes. And a scrutinizing difficulty.

Soul Caliber 4. I think this series was done a long time ago. I bet this will be the final installment. It should have remained a memorable. The new characters are retarded. Lack of modes centering the attention of the stupid armor costume builds and tower of treasure bull that eeks away your time. And who cares about star wars. The character creation was inferior to part 3s. Oh...and the voice acting is stupid.

Spider Man games. How many times must they relive his story and venoms story? How many times do they redo the movie memiors? Id like something fresh.

Dead Space. Boring...Slow...

Pleasant Suprises!!:

Drakensang. The way this game was reviewed ad what people had to say gave me the impression that this game was gonna be a rushed flash in the pan going on one concept. I thuroughly enjoyed this game. Despite its linear time consumption and wavering difficulty, its very variable and I love the storyline. Decent voiceing and great graphics.

Titans Quest IT. I love this game the moment I picked it up. I thought it was going to be a short fenced in diablo clone with zero innovation and with a bland leveling system. I found out its SUPERIOR TO DIABLO! Thats right I said it. Maybe Diablo 3 will be better...but..I doubt it.A easy online system and probably one of the coolest skill systems of any RPG I played.

Stubbs the Zombie. Repedative yes, quirky yes, short I know. But its funny addictive and fun. Good thing its cheap.

Sacred 2. I like this game because how vast it is. The interface may be a tad lame and the character creation is almost worthless. Its very long with a huge map,going to a 120 some level and its got a huge attribute and skill system. Its got a mind numbing repedative flow but inan addictive way. So much is going on tho with the gear and skill distribution. Still inferior to TQ tho. =p

Wolverine Origins. I thought this would be a cheap rushed lame movie knock off of a cheap lame rushed movie. But the game is better then the movie. Its got the most brutalin your face actionthat I ever seen in a long time.Its got great graphics with a very funfighting system. Its bloody as hell with awesome half cinamatic controlled scenes.

Call ofJuarez 1 and 2. A perfect epitimy of a shooter. No flashy huds or sticky targets. No glowing auras. Just a cross hair. They take this type and use it colorfulyand execute it perfectly. And make it look amazingly great. Theold wild western themes is captivating even more so then GUN in my opinion. Not to mention a great story. It suprised me because I never thought a fpsor a westernOR EVEN A WESTERN FPS wouldpull this off.

Resident Evil Dark Chronicles. A cool shooter with the retelling of RE 2 AND 3. Thank god it wasnt like dead aim.

The great Fable contradiction.

I remember when Fable came out. People were ultimately dissapointed from the over hyped game. I remember Peter Molyneux feeling he had to appologize for the games shot sitedness. Critics everywher gave it a good score but not the best as it was hyped up to be. As for me I liked it. I liked the expansion lost chapters even more. It was good. Over hyped? Well yea. But I also realize nothing is perfect and the struggle for business is prominent. So what to say about Fable 2? It has been out since october 21 2008.

I must say this. Fable 2 was released on the 360, I have gotten it 2 days after it was releasedand in my god honoest opinion. ITS WORSE then Fable 1. (Fable 1 lost chapters ofcourse) People and critics LOVE fable 2, even tho to me there is far less variety, control, and execution. Dont get me wrong, its a good game but not as good as the first one. Let me break it down. I will list basic and original game mechanics into categorys and see what game has the edge. Remember this is just according to my opinion. I have played both games more then once and thuroughly.

Graphics--Even though the characters and people figures look almost the same, the evironmental graphics in Fable 2 are slightly better. Its smoother and has alot more better lighting. The animations of regular 3d toons look almost identicle but the facial features and flex prims look better on fable 2. The pump maping is also slightly more detailed.

1 point Fable 2.

Controls.-- The controls in Fable 2 are pretty damn annoying. What makes me the most aggrivated is the way you block. In fable one it was just a simple button to block. But in Fable 2 you have to hold down the attack button. You try to quickly block but your hit because YOUR ATTACKING. And you cant tell if your blocking because you have to hold down the god damned button and its just sloppy. Then theres the focused strike. In fable 1 it was simply hitting the B button after succesfully blocking and you get a counter. On fable 2 you have AGAIN HOLD THE ATTACK BUTTON and shift the thumbstick in the direction. This makes it even more cumbersome. And this time the focused strike is blockable. Fable to it was designed to be a gaurd breaker.

Now aiming is slightly more enhanced. You can aim a certain point on the target and shoot it. But using the thumb stick makes switchiung targets risky. So what is the point? Nice eye candy effect but no real merrit , except dissarming weapons.

Magic is the worste. In fable 1 you just had to select the spell from a handy tray and cast it. On fable 2 you have to hold it in, and power it up leaving yourself WIDE OPEN for enemies hits. You sit there and hold it down trying to build up the power and get hit like a cow awaiting slaughter. On fable 1 you buy the level of spell and its instantly casted. On fable 2 you buy the spell and have to power it up from 1-5. EVEN WHEN YOU CAST IT its so slow and sluggish they still can hit you.

Another feature is camera angles. Fable 1 was a simple 3rd person camera during battle. In fable 2 it zooms out annoyingly and you cant control it, You cant see the detail and it gets painfully stuck around terain.

But the most problematic is the menu system. In fable 1 u can use your d pad for quick easy access. In fable 2 you have to hit start bring up a ton of tabs and cycle through them at a snails pace because the game keeps lagging and loading them up. Its almost umbareble trying to find out what kind of dye i want cycling through them and then to clothes. And eating food is so restricted. you cant even give gifts quickly.

1 point for Fable 1

Story and length- Im talking about actual story. I believe I have found that the stories were evenly matched. I found Fable 1s more entriqueing and Fable 2s a little more mish mashed. I also found Fable 2s story a bit longer ...just a bit. But Fable 1 more exciting. Even without lost chapters its even. The characters were more entriqueing and fluent in part 1. In fable 2 you barely even see Reaver too much. The Jack of blades fight is far superior then the lord lucien. The final chapter is an exciteing edge of your seat scramble with an epic final battle. More heartfelt ending.

content point goes to F1 length point goes to F2

Character-This I will admit Fable 2 has it won. Only because you can use guns and and have more expressions. The way its used in the game also uses its contenuity. Fable 1 seems to have expressions and social acts just for laughs and giggles. The path is easier taken in F2. It has good evil corrupt and attractiveness.

1 point to F2

RPG lement. Fable 1 has this beat hands down. The leveling system is superior. More magic, the speed and guile skill system. And the effects of physicle branch. Fable 1 has alot more spells and there more strategicly manuevered. Fable 2 you have spells thats either profectiled or area effected. Spells are from boring to down right angering due to its stupid mechanics. Then there the augmentations. Tho fable 2 haveing more, but half of those are worthless and GIVE PLAYER PENELTIES. Such as an augmentation to give fire damage but lower your defence. Its stupid. Fable 1 also has the use of armor.

1 point to Fable 1

Execution- Not much to say here. Fable 2 is riddled with glitches and sound errors. Might be because the 360 has a crappy processor. F2 does have a ragdoll physics endgine but who really cares in an RPG? (supposed to be RPG)

1 point to Fable 1

VARIETY!!-The most important. The spice of life. Lets start with fable 1. First off F1 has more weapons. Weapon types too. Its got 2 handed hammers and axes and swords from iron steel onyx and then master. Fable 1 has armor. F2 has....ZERO ARMOR. You wear dorky clothes. Fable one has almost the same amount of expressions but more magic. The magic actually looks good to. Multi strike, bezerk, summon, shield, and heal. Fable 1 has more enemies. Fable 1 has a boast system, more pub games, and more tropheys.

The good thing about F2 is dyes, but some things arent colorable. In f2 you wear clothes instead of armor. Theres more to wear but most is mainly worthless. Unless you think wearing pauper and gypsy outfit of any use. Its all for eye candy. Now I will admit F2 has more sidequests and places to go but theyre not as interesting or anything new. Its either rescue slaves or bounty hunt.

The family addition is pretty cool. Makeing your own son and then a side quest comes to save him if your patiant. And as I said the gun feature is cool. But it totally rules out bows and crossbows. Then theres the dog. I must say the dog feature is pretty lame. Only at the end of the game do you have the choice of soloing it. Maybe if you could choose different animals then just a dog. I found the dog kinda worthless. Just warning you were items are and when theres enemies around. It doesnt even help you fight on a noticable base. It can just get in your way and glitch. Then atlast theres gender choice. Pretty much what it is is being the brother or sister of the game. It serves no real purpose aside from looks. I think they should have saved memory on the female side feature (or male even)and stick to one sex and use the rest for F1 type of variety.

1 point to Fable 1

Fable 2 seems to me that its just an amped up demo type of Fable 1. Yet people love this game. People say FABLE 2 is what the real deal is. Its what should have been from the start. And my jaw drops. Everyone think its superior. I find the "over hyped, short changed , dissapointment "of Fable 1 to be superior. Thats just my opinion. Now people would probably throw the online feature at me and then Id tell them this. "Its worthless" online is rediculaus and lame. You see little circles until you invite one to a game? THEN the inviter is the one using the character and the invitee is some crappy meshed up pre made henchman? Thats worthless. Should be two made characters. So online is wasted work.

So I guess that F1 is more of the RPGish better controled, more fullfilling more stable game. And Fable 2 is the great looking all show glitchy more action orientated sloppy and linear game. Ijust dont understand why its better in peoples eyes then part 1.

Mario Kart Wii Hackers.

Last night I decided to play Mario Kart Wii online. I havent played much online, the first time I did was about 2 or 3 races. I got 1st in one, then 3rd then a 5th. 10 players total. Earlier today I played with my brother and we did pretty bad. Split screen doesnt help. But split screen shouldnt cause that much of an incumberance. Something seemed fishy. I played again online solo with 11 players. Me and5 others from the U.S 2 Japanese 2 Canadians, 2 Venezualans. The Japanese were two player and 4 of the Americans were also 2-players.

As the race started I noticed something really strange. The power ups i have gotten started dissapearing. Not all of the time but a few. The shells and mushrooms and bombs just vanished without me using them...I did not crash or spin out. I did well finishing 3rd. I shrugged it off. Next race my brother came into the room and we both seen my 3rd place number teleport to a 6. Now Nothing passed me, nor did I spin out. I was just makeing a turn. I seen my little mario face jump on the map. Another time i was in 4th I suddenly jump to 7th. I then notice the same two people were destroying the competition, humongous leads that seemed physicly impossible. On a race in the rainbow road, this time we watched. I tried my best to keep up and kept seeing my power ups dissapearing. I noticed I was getting sucked off the course even when i wasnt a vaccuum. I noticed on one of the two player teams from the Americans that one stayed put on the course not driving at all, blocking the power ups and hitting anyone with anything that came driving by so his partner would win. Brilliant plan I'd say. But how is the rest possible?

Im not complaining, nor am I saying Im the best ever , hell I havent played online much at all. But I can clearly see foul play. I see HACKING. I see People drive and float over pits when they should have fallen. I see them make jumps thats unrealistic in grand prix offline. I see people burst into hyperspeed without hearing or seeing the effects of a mushroom or speedboost. No blue ring, no flareing nitros just zip by on the course. It had my brother and I laughing with frusteration that people trying to enjoy a good fun game and as CLEAN as poor Mario kart tarnished by these jerks WHO HACK. I then noticed the same 3 people always getting selected for a stage vote. HAH!

Now is it just me? Am I missing something? Is there something I havent unlocked. Surely it cant be their vehicles or toons. Can they really do things Im not aware of like item steal or a sudden ungraphical speed boost. A race position switch? I hope someone can tell me I just plain suck and its impossible for Mario Kart to be hacked. So myself and others can enjoy online raceing. But as of right now its a hackers playground. And a shady game botchers such as two players, one staying still wrecking others and the other one winning each time. Either way, I really wish these people would stop ruining the experiance for others.

It reminds me of PSO for dreamcast. Over ran by PKing hackers and character thieves. Its like wow. I wish these hackers wouldget a life and play the game the way its ment to, not botching everyones experiance by unfareness.

Street Fighter 4 and game difficulty.

Its my honest opinion, that when I hear people say that the harder the game is the more fun,theyrefull of it. There is a difference between becomeing frusterated and challanged. Frustration isa feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems. PROBLEMS. Video games goal is to be fun, and fun can be averted from challange.

Im going to try and state my point now. Street Fighter 4 is a REALLY F---ing hard game!! Im not talking about online or againts other people, thats another tangeant. I mean solo, the computer. Now Im going to be bold and boast a little about my fighting game history. Im no slouch when it comes to fighting games. I won a Street Fighter tournemant when I was 15 againts the county I live in with 16 competitors. Ive won a Capcom Vs SNK 2 contest with friends and their and their friends via XBox live. Ive done every hard task in Soul Caliber series. I dont mean to make this a bragging intermition but just stateing that Im pretty down with the mechanics of fighting games.

Street Fighter 4 has FLUXUATING difficulty no matter what setting! Everyone I know agrees with me to. You play arcade mode, setting on easiest very easy or easy. You thrash through opponent after opponent. Boom! Up to Zangief. Zangief is faster then any character and his special grab moves negate all actions and even go through attacks!! After say just one continue you beat him your on your way. NOW! SETH! First round is cake right. Second round! Next thing you know 30 minutes went by, your sweaty hot and screaming and cussing at the screen at the top of your lungs! His shoryukan is to dam strong!! His teleport is cheap and effective! His round house machine gun kick ignores all attacks and kills you!! AND HIS STUPID PILEDRIVER IS A RIP OFF! Seth! will literally pull it off even if your a good portion from him, in the middle of ahoryukan, flash kick or a vega back flip evade! You teleport in the @$$'s grip! Whats that?! its on easy? Its on medium? Seems like its on the hardest. So yea I see something wrong with this game. I wrote a review on it how the collision detections is broken how attacks go through people unless there at a certain distance. IT IS NOT FUN GOING THROUGH THIS BS! Its frusterating, its annoying, and down right stupid and anyone who says differently I wont believe them until they give me a valid reason.Which is yet to be heard.

Time trials/survival is a good example of challange. The other fighters at least things you have to figure out and have a little know-how. But normal is a breeze with out any tribulations. BUT HARD!!! You zip through until you get to maybe 2nd or 3rd round and they end up pulling off impossible specials. Like C Viper special move after another inwhich sometimes its impossible to do because of the controls. forward down forward does the move, but when i jump behind itle be back down back. Its impossible. Guiles sonic boom is sometimes done two times immediate. AND NO its not the super special. He does sonic boom one then the other even tho youd have to hold back and press forward...and go back and forward at once. Its one of those cases inwhich the computer reads the buttons you press... Like the old mortal kombat games. Impossible to beat comfortably on hardest.

I just feel street fighter 4 is broken and probably the most enrageing game I ever played. Im sorry if you dont agree , or if anyone thinks im to pragmatic. Now I like street fighter 4 but I think its just broken. And the Xbox controller doesnt help it. Maybe easier on PS3.

I personally like easy, like to play on easy or normal. Why make things hard unless your on a mission to hone your skills on that particular game. In rare cases would a games difficulty be of any skill developee of another game. You could be the best at Halo doing great on hardest, but totally suck at say Ninja Gaidan. Whatever skills youve taken from Halo doesnt amount... Now games like Mega Man or mario with the same mechanics will amount. Its hard to explain....

Sorry for the spelling errors and grammers. I just dont really care at the moment. Its my blog anyway, not yours.

Sephiroth is DEFEATED!!

At 6:00 PM, after many hard continues and struggle I have beaten Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2 at the tender level of 65. I feel good when I overcome these very hard boss, or task battles in videogames. What I used was the Ultimata weapon, elixers and lots of patience. I needed the air counter, limit to cutt through the unavoidables like the dark orbs and not let him do sin harvest once. Combo finisher plus was very helpful. A excellent cutt scene followed with Cloud and Tifa, amazing. He was WAAYYY harder then KH 1 but then again I wasnt lvl 65. KH 1 sephy was easy I thought.

I love this game, its all great until I got to Atlantica....the singing the stupid gay ass singing and button mini Thats all square-enix, almost typecle in their crap they pull. WHAT IS WITH YUNA, RIKKU, AND PAIN IN FAIRY MODE? Why are they fairies? If anyone is reading this please tell me. I love the game, one of the best in 06 i know it.I must beat the game now.

No body thinks its funny!

I probably seen the most stupidest episode of X-Play last night. I stuck around just to see what games theyre reviewing, it happend to be a retro episode of reviewing old arcade type of collaberation games, such as midway, namco ect. The whole episode was there entire lame staff parodying the Breakfest club but borrishly butchering the script and inputting gameing inuendos. It was so retarded. It was played out by there staff members , and the hosts and Keving Pherera or Perera or whatever. Kevin Perara is so damn annoying, so damn nerdy (the bad type) it makes me sick. He is so lame, makeing the stupidest jokes and dumbest comments of any show or station ever. I dont honestly know how he could be hired by anyone. Anyways, they all laemely drug out the show, of course Adam Sessler playing the part of the Brain  of the movie but...using his own name unlike everyone else. Again the staff mocking the most talented part of the WHOLE STATION OF G4 Adam Sessler.One day he should quit, and make it and become majorly successful shoveing it in there nerdy faces. I finally got to the review of Midway old games and the reviews were nothing but one word insults with each screen, so I turned it. I now have no hope for G4. I rate it as bad right up there with UPN. Its sadning

Resident Evil run.

Ive been on a Resident Evil crave this fortnight. I played RE2 and gotten all 4 game files saved, got a unlimited submachine gun!. I baught Resident Evil 0 yesterday and I got about half way on Normal difficulty. I think this games very tough, NO ITEM BOXES!!I decided to start over on easy first and its a HUGE difference. On easy I got to much healing items and to much amo. Its to big of a jump from easy to normal.I dont want to imagein hard.
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