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Game Dissapointments and pleasantries.

Id think it would be kinda fun and mentally supportive to mark down on recent slash next-to-recent games that have majorly dissapointed me or pleasantly suprised me over the past few years. Not saying Ive played them all. Hopefully its a list I can keep adding to.


Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings. For the Wii ofcourse. I was so looking forward to this game. At first I shrugged off its horrible controls thinking I would just get used to them. I was wrong. I did the same with graphics...It was bad. I like the level design and innovation but the innovation was taken too far. Its honestly like a mediocore PS1 game. I just wanted to beat it and be done with it. Thinking of replaying it sort of fills me with dread.

Fable 2. Yea, thoughs who know me know what I have to say already. Fable 1 is better. It actually might be more tolerable on the PC then dealing with the poor craft of the 360. Yea thats right...crashes, slow choppy loads and slow rezzing.

Mario and Luigi Partners in time. I love the game itself but it was too short. Sucky ending. And a weak storyline. I forget...what did it have to do with time travel? Oh right just an alternate past label....thats all.

Batman Arkam Asylum. I know people are gonnawhine at me but the thing Im dissapointed in is the type of game. Its a tomb raiderish syphon filter stealthy melarky. Should have expected that comeing from the lagging company of Eidos. Graphics look a little too grainy and gritty. They look like clay roman statues. Love the voice acting though.

Iron Man. Need I go into detail?

Wario Shake it. A boring and tedious game. Level completions give no satisfaction because your always missing an extra goal. So Im replaying it over and over. The storyline was lame to.

Sonic Chronicles. Hell every new age Sonic game is a dissapointment. Its just that this has potential. Stupid Bio ware. I hate this company. I hate there Long dragged out fighting with stupid dialogue making you read it to choose your wording. I understand why folks like that but not all of us do. Sonics battles were just hard and annoying. Integratind touch screen with turn based battles is a horrible idea. It should have been like Mario and Luigi. partners in time.

Street Fighter 4. Again. Thoughs who know me know what I say. Unbalanced characters. Collision detection problems. Lack of modes. And a scrutinizing difficulty.

Soul Caliber 4. I think this series was done a long time ago. I bet this will be the final installment. It should have remained a memorable. The new characters are retarded. Lack of modes centering the attention of the stupid armor costume builds and tower of treasure bull that eeks away your time. And who cares about star wars. The character creation was inferior to part 3s. Oh...and the voice acting is stupid.

Spider Man games. How many times must they relive his story and venoms story? How many times do they redo the movie memiors? Id like something fresh.

Dead Space. Boring...Slow...

Pleasant Suprises!!:

Drakensang. The way this game was reviewed ad what people had to say gave me the impression that this game was gonna be a rushed flash in the pan going on one concept. I thuroughly enjoyed this game. Despite its linear time consumption and wavering difficulty, its very variable and I love the storyline. Decent voiceing and great graphics.

Titans Quest IT. I love this game the moment I picked it up. I thought it was going to be a short fenced in diablo clone with zero innovation and with a bland leveling system. I found out its SUPERIOR TO DIABLO! Thats right I said it. Maybe Diablo 3 will be better...but..I doubt it.A easy online system and probably one of the coolest skill systems of any RPG I played.

Stubbs the Zombie. Repedative yes, quirky yes, short I know. But its funny addictive and fun. Good thing its cheap.

Sacred 2. I like this game because how vast it is. The interface may be a tad lame and the character creation is almost worthless. Its very long with a huge map,going to a 120 some level and its got a huge attribute and skill system. Its got a mind numbing repedative flow but inan addictive way. So much is going on tho with the gear and skill distribution. Still inferior to TQ tho. =p

Wolverine Origins. I thought this would be a cheap rushed lame movie knock off of a cheap lame rushed movie. But the game is better then the movie. Its got the most brutalin your face actionthat I ever seen in a long time.Its got great graphics with a very funfighting system. Its bloody as hell with awesome half cinamatic controlled scenes.

Call ofJuarez 1 and 2. A perfect epitimy of a shooter. No flashy huds or sticky targets. No glowing auras. Just a cross hair. They take this type and use it colorfulyand execute it perfectly. And make it look amazingly great. Theold wild western themes is captivating even more so then GUN in my opinion. Not to mention a great story. It suprised me because I never thought a fpsor a westernOR EVEN A WESTERN FPS wouldpull this off.

Resident Evil Dark Chronicles. A cool shooter with the retelling of RE 2 AND 3. Thank god it wasnt like dead aim.