Its my honest opinion, that when I hear people say that the harder the game is the more fun,theyrefull of it. There is a difference between becomeing frusterated and challanged. Frustration isa feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems. PROBLEMS. Video games goal is to be fun, and fun can be averted from challange.
Im going to try and state my point now. Street Fighter 4 is a REALLY F---ing hard game!! Im not talking about online or againts other people, thats another tangeant. I mean solo, the computer. Now Im going to be bold and boast a little about my fighting game history. Im no slouch when it comes to fighting games. I won a Street Fighter tournemant when I was 15 againts the county I live in with 16 competitors. Ive won a Capcom Vs SNK 2 contest with friends and their and their friends via XBox live. Ive done every hard task in Soul Caliber series. I dont mean to make this a bragging intermition but just stateing that Im pretty down with the mechanics of fighting games.
Street Fighter 4 has FLUXUATING difficulty no matter what setting! Everyone I know agrees with me to. You play arcade mode, setting on easiest very easy or easy. You thrash through opponent after opponent. Boom! Up to Zangief. Zangief is faster then any character and his special grab moves negate all actions and even go through attacks!! After say just one continue you beat him your on your way. NOW! SETH! First round is cake right. Second round! Next thing you know 30 minutes went by, your sweaty hot and screaming and cussing at the screen at the top of your lungs! His shoryukan is to dam strong!! His teleport is cheap and effective! His round house machine gun kick ignores all attacks and kills you!! AND HIS STUPID PILEDRIVER IS A RIP OFF! Seth! will literally pull it off even if your a good portion from him, in the middle of ahoryukan, flash kick or a vega back flip evade! You teleport in the @$$'s grip! Whats that?! its on easy? Its on medium? Seems like its on the hardest. So yea I see something wrong with this game. I wrote a review on it how the collision detections is broken how attacks go through people unless there at a certain distance. IT IS NOT FUN GOING THROUGH THIS BS! Its frusterating, its annoying, and down right stupid and anyone who says differently I wont believe them until they give me a valid reason.Which is yet to be heard.
Time trials/survival is a good example of challange. The other fighters at least things you have to figure out and have a little know-how. But normal is a breeze with out any tribulations. BUT HARD!!! You zip through until you get to maybe 2nd or 3rd round and they end up pulling off impossible specials. Like C Viper special move after another inwhich sometimes its impossible to do because of the controls. forward down forward does the move, but when i jump behind itle be back down back. Its impossible. Guiles sonic boom is sometimes done two times immediate. AND NO its not the super special. He does sonic boom one then the other even tho youd have to hold back and press forward...and go back and forward at once. Its one of those cases inwhich the computer reads the buttons you press... Like the old mortal kombat games. Impossible to beat comfortably on hardest.
I just feel street fighter 4 is broken and probably the most enrageing game I ever played. Im sorry if you dont agree , or if anyone thinks im to pragmatic. Now I like street fighter 4 but I think its just broken. And the Xbox controller doesnt help it. Maybe easier on PS3.
I personally like easy, like to play on easy or normal. Why make things hard unless your on a mission to hone your skills on that particular game. In rare cases would a games difficulty be of any skill developee of another game. You could be the best at Halo doing great on hardest, but totally suck at say Ninja Gaidan. Whatever skills youve taken from Halo doesnt amount... Now games like Mega Man or mario with the same mechanics will amount. Its hard to explain....
Sorry for the spelling errors and grammers. I just dont really care at the moment. Its my blog anyway, not yours.