Every single game looked better on PS3 except for Fallout 3 which looked a lot better on 360. And anyone who says that the 360 versions looked darker are just full of crap now because all of the games (besides Fallout 3) are darker and more crisp on PS3 and full of better lighting and just everything else. So 360 fanboys go ahead and start to negative comment this post.
I agree with this being a desperate move, its only a matter of time before the 360 totally dies in Japan. For the people who think that this is a "good move" your far from right, Sega did that same thing. They dropped the price of the Dreamcast to like half of the price (which is what just happend to the 360) and soon after that it died. I'm not saying that the 360 is going to totally die off but chances are its not going to be in Japan for much longer.
Goufas_Nation's comments