dang thats a tough one but im gonna have to say id id get a xbox controller with smoke lifting from the top
Gr3atOn3's forum posts
Ya quake would be epic on DS
I believe so and more additions are being added so only time can tell imo.
had em all except for sega saturn
From ps2 to xbox 360 i was amazed :shock: i was like dang so this is what ive been missing
haha Haze man i when i first got my ps3 i thought that game was gonna be so good cuz of the hype i had seen and videos and man that game is straight boo boo lolHAZE
i agree completly but it would be cool if they did i remember when the dreamcast first came out the first people who got it got a free shirt lolBy this point in time I'm sure Sega realizes that if they were to release a new console (making 4 consoles available), that if it flopped they'd get laughed right out of the industry.
It's a pride thing. I think Sega likes being back to software development.
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